I Get My Wings

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*Elisa's POV*

When I woke up next I saw a sleeping Jean beside me, and he was wearing his 3DMG, he looked peaceful, but I woke him up anyways.

"Hmmm. Ah-uh. Good morning sunshine. How are you feeling?" Jeam asked me, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"My everything is still sore," I told him, and he gave me a sympathetic smile. "I'm also quite hungry, could I go to the dining hall today?" I asked him, tired of being stuck in the stupid bed.

"I don't know..." I could tell that he was leaning towards not letting me go.

"You'd have to help me walk there, so I wouldn't hurt myself" I reminded him, and he took a deep breath.

"Fine, but if you feel like you're going to faint, tell me," I nodded with as much enthusiasm as I could show without using up my energy. "Okay, I'm going to help you swing your legs- er- leg over the edge of the bed. Okay?" He told me, and I nodded, he then proceeded to take the covers off of my lower body, and swung them so that my left leg was almost touching the floor, and he took my good arm and carefully placed it around his shoulders. "Ready? I'm going to lift on three," Jean told me when he'd start lifting, and started.counting down. "One. Two. Three." He started lifting, and almost right away my knee buckled, but he caught me, giving me a concerned look.

"I'm fine, I guess my leg isn't used to having all of that weight put on it," I told him, but it came out a lot quieter than I wanted it to.

"You know I hate seeing you like this right?" Jean told me, making sure I had little to no weight on my leg.

"I know, and I hate seeing people suffer because of me," I told him weakly, taking my first step–or hop–in a while.

"Sorry, I don't know why I said that, I shouldn't make you feel worse about yourself," He told me, and we stayed silent, other than the occasional instruction to make sure I didn't fall.

"Elisa!" Sasha jumped up and ran towards me, almost giving me a hug before she remembered my condition.

"Hey Sasha," I mumbled back, trying to sound as happy as I really was.

"You can walk again!" She pointed out, I nodded, smiling weakly.

"Why does everyone have their 3DMG on? I thought that the Survey Corps was disbanded," I asked, noticing that everyone except for me was ready for an expedition.

"Well, you know how when you woke up we told you that Eren and Kris-er Historia were kidnapped?" Sasha started explaining, and I nodded. "We're going on a rescue mission today," She told me, and I gave her a puzzled look.

"We figured out where they are both located, and we're going to rescue them before they are harmed or killed," Mikasa came up behind me, which caused me to jump slightly, and when I did I felt a slight tightness on the left side of my chest.

"Yeah, and everyone is going. Well, everyone except for you," Sasha said, frowning slightly.

"Could you get us some breakfast?" Jean asked, just as Connie came bursting through the door, making me jump again, feeling the left side of my chest tighten and squeeze again.

"Sure," She smiled at Connie before walking to get us some breakfast.

"Elisa, nice to see you up and out of that bed," Connie smilled, but it faded slightly as he noticed how dependant I was on Jean for balance.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you guys too," I smiled weakly, just as Sasha walked up with two plates of food, both had one piece of bread and two eggs on them.

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