He did it

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*Elisa's POV*

I woke up in a cold sweat, that nightmare about my mother won't stop coming back. I've gotten a few weird looks from the girls in my cabin, but as soon as I gave them one of my 'don't even breath in my direction' glares, they'd just turn away.

*Time jump, after breakfast*

I head out to the area where we'll be doing the aptitude test that will determine whether or not we're able to use our 3DMG.

"Hey! Elisa!" I hear Marco call my name, and start walking in his direction.

"Hi Marco," I say quietly, noticing another boy staring at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, that's Jean. Don't mind him," He said, introducing me to him.

"Nice to meet you," I held out my hand for him to shake, and he took it hesitantly.

"Why are your eyes like that?" Jean blurted out, taking me by surprise, no one's ever asked why.

"I guess something happened to a blood vessel in both of my eyes and they got dyed red," I told him what my mom used to tell me, Jean just nodded and turned towards the front, where people were already starting.

"Deraener! You're up next!" I heard Commander Keith shout, so I made my way to the front. "Are you ready Cadet?!" He shouted after I got clipped in.

"Yes sir!" I shouted back, he then signaled to the person running the machine to hoist me up.

"Make sure you keep your balance! If you cannot do that, you will be asked to leave!" The old man instructed.

When I felt my feet leave the ground, I started swaying slightly, and with little difficulty, managed to stay upright. I had to stay like that for a good two minutes before Commander Keith let us down.

"Good job Cadets! Looks like you will be joining us for the rest of training!" The Commander let us go back to the group.

"You did awesome," Marco said as soon as I returned to his side.

"You did too," I whispered back.

"Eren's up next," Jean told Marco, looking over my head.

"Yeah," Marco responded, sounding uninterested.

*Time jump, dining hall*

'Eren looks absolutely mortified, plus there's a bandage wrapped around his head,' I thought to myself, finishing off my dinner and putting my plates away.

I felt someone grab my arm to stop me.

"Wait," I turned to see Mikasa, another person from Shiganshina that I never really saw before.

"What?" I said, it came out a little harsher than I wanted it to.

"Eren needs help to work the gear, I've tried helping but it didn't work," She said, begging me to help him without sounding desperate.

"No, if he is unable to do it, than he should just accept it," I told her, then turned away and left.

*Time jump, the next morning*

'I guess Mikasa didn't tell Eren what I said,' I thought to myself as Eren was hoisted up again.

"He's doing it!" I heard someone exclaim a few seconds before Eren flipped over.

People started laughing a bit, but were stopped when the Commander started shouting.

"Wagner! Switch with Jager!" The Commander told the two boys to switch their body strap.

'He might just do it,' I thought as Eren was being hoisted yet again.

"The equipment was broken!" Commander Keith shouted.

"He did it with broken equipment?" Someone gasped from the crowd.

"Looks like you'll be joining us for the rest of training!" Commander shouted, and Eren raised his fist in the air.

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