New Squads

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*Elisa's POV*

*Time jump, inside Karanese district*

When we arrived at the gates to the outside, I looked around and saw that many of the civilians seemed angry, and I knew exactly why, they thought we were wasting tax money. I also saw a little boy, about nine or ten, and who I thought was his sister, and they were both the around same age, the brown haired boy had a look of wonder on his face, while his sister was more interested in her feet. I could kind of tell that the boy wanted to join the military one day, but I could be wrong.

"You ready?" I heard what I sounded like Sasha whisper to me.

"I think so," I told her, my face showing uncertainty.

"Well, it's too late to back out now," She smiled a crooked and nervous smile.

"Yeah," I breathed.

"Listen up!" I heard a voice call from the front of the pack of soldiers, and every single head snapped towards that direction. "Are you ready?!" The man, Erwin, shouted, followed by a chorus of 'yes sir!'s from the soldiers. "Raise the gate!" He shouted, and the massive wooden door started moving upwards. "ONWARDS!" He shouted, and all of the soldiers started going faster and faster on their horses, next thing I knew I was outside of the walls.

We rode our horses for what felt like three hours, and when we reached what I assumed to be the halfway point, everyone left their horses in the same general area and gathered around Erwin and the other squad leaders.

"Okay, first if all, lunch will be passed out momentarily, second, I would like all of the newbies to come see me after we have dispersed. Go," Erwin instructed, and everyone left and went to different places around our base thing, while the 'newbies' gathered around Erwin. "As you know, you will be put into squads, and you will obey your squad leader, you will not be able to change squads, and you must be able to trust them," He told us, and we all responded by shouting 'yes sir' while saluting.

"I wonder who I'll be with," I heard Jean whisper, and I responded by shushing him.

"I will now read off your squad numbers," He started reading off the numbers in a random order, so I didn't know when I'd be called. "Cadet Deraener, squad number four with squad leader Hanji," Erwin finally got to my name and I was surprised to be put in a squad with the more experienced people because none of the others were, not even Mikasa.

*Time jump, after meeting*

"I can't believe that they actually put me in a squad with Hanji, I mean, there are other, better people who could fill that spot," I said between bites of my sandwich.

"Maybe they trust trusted that you were good enough," Sasha told me just as she finished her sandwich.

"What about Mikasa?" Jean said, fixing the saddle on his horse.

"Yeah, I doubt that they would choose me over Mikasa," I looked from Jean to Sasha then to Connie, who has been silent for a while.

"It's still pretty weird, I mean-" Jean was cut off before he could finish.

"Everyone mount your horses and get ready to head off!" Erwin shouted from his own horse, and you could hear everyone fixing their saddles, 3DMG, and anything else.

"Good luck guys," I said, waving goodbye to my friends.

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