The Night Before

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*Elisa's POV*

*Time jump, night before expedition*

Over the past two weeks Jean and I have gotten closer, we talked more, we were both acting happier, and everyone else stopped worrying about my mental state. I also had the stitches taken out last week, and there is a nasty scar going up my arm now, but it's hidden because I still have to wrap a bandage around it, just in case.

"Come down to the dining hall for a quick meeting! You don't have to put on your uniform!" I heard what sounded like Erd shout from beneath my room.

I quickly pulled on my knee length skirt, different than the one I wore on our day off, and slipped on a short sleeved shirt, and left my brushed hair down.

"Hey, come sit with us!" I heard Connie call out, and I walked over and took the seat next to Sasha, and across from Jean.

"You nervous about the expedition?" Sasha asked me.

"Kind of, I meany stitches are out now, but I just hope that nothing'll happen," I told her.

"Nothing should happen, because you've gotten really good at all of the skill areas, not as good Mikasa, but still pretty good," She reassured me.

"Thanks Sasha, I guess-" I stopped talking when I noticed Levi walk up to the front, and he was the only one wearing a uniform.

"We will start now," Everyone quieted down. "As you all know there is will be an expedition tomorrow, and we will be leaving from Karanese district at nine o'clock sharp, and we'll be returning from the same point later the same day, or early the next morning. You will have to be on your horse and ready to go by six tomorrow morning, and if you're late, then we might just leave without you. We will be stopping halfway, both there and back, and when we're stopped we'll be filling up on gas and eating. Tomorrow, you will be given you squad number, and you will not be allowed to change your squad, unless you have a really good reason. So, in other words, you can't change squads just because you want to be with your friends," He paused, probably thinking if he left anything out. "Well that's all for right now, so you are all going to go to bed as soon as you get to your rooms, no stopping to chat with friends, no running around your room until its time to wake up, and no exploring the building all night. Go to bed," Levi finished off and all of the newbies stood up and started walking to their rooms in complete silence.

As soon as I walked into my room I flopped on the bed and pulled down the covers so I could get in th, then I pulled the covers up to my chin, then let go, and I put my head on the pillow, and closed my eyes, but I wasn't tired. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, and tried to make myself yawn, but I was still wide awake, and after a few more minutes of trying, I just flopped back onto my bed. I did manage to fall asleep after about an hour, but it wasn't the best sleep ever.

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