I can't make friends

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*Elisa's POV*

When I woke up I found myself in an infirmary bed, completely alone except for a nurse sitting in the corner. She looked up when I tried moving, but couldn't because, as soon as I did I felt a sharp pain in my left arm.

"Oh, you're awake," The nurse looked like she was in her early twenties, auburn hair, and what looked like light brown eyes.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I asked her, which made her give me a sympathetic look.

"When the cadets came back over the wall, you were being carried by a boy who's name was Marco I think. He looked worried sick when he burst in here, telling me that you wouldn't wake up when I took a look at you I saw that you had lost a lot of blood, so I stitched up your arm, leg, and forehead. I'm surprised you're still alive actually, with the amount of blood that soaked your bandages," She told me what happened. "What happened to make you bleed like that?" She asked me, pulling out a report.

"I-I think I was going too fast on my maneuver gear, and I ran out of gas, then I remember slamming into the cement below and I think I bounced and then slid," I told her, and saw that she was scribbling on the paper whenever I spoke.

"What happened to your gear?" She asked me, reading over some more things.

"I think it was destroyed," I told her, remembering that I saw some bits and pieces flying off of my gear after I bounced.

"Okay, I need you to move the fingers on your left hand," I did as she told me with a bit of difficulty, trying to ignore the shooting pain. "Okay, can you wiggle the toes on your right foot?" When I moved my toes I felt nothing, no shooting pain like in my arm. "Does this hurt?" She asked me, poking my ribs.

"No," I said, shifting my weight onto my right arm.

"What about this?" She squeezed my right arm, making me shake my head, then covered me up with the white blanket that was crumpled at the foot of the bed.

"Elisa?!" I heard a loud clang from the other side of the door, then some cursing, then Marco popped his head into the room.

"Hey Marco," I said quietly, trying to sound less weak for him.

"Thank god you're awake!" He sounded relieved.

"I wasn't out that long was I?" I asked him.

"You were out for three days," He told me, and my red eyes widened in shock.

"What happened while I was out?!" I said, sitting straight up, moving the blanket off of my body.

"First of all, you're not allowed to leave yet. Second of all, Eren pulled a huge stunt by turning into a titan and-"

"What!? How's that even possible?!" I asked, cutting him off.

"We're not to sure, but we do know that we will he able to lift that boulder to block the titans from using the gate to get into Trost," He told me, pushing me back on the bed gently.

"How are we gonna do that? The titans are everywhere!" I asked him.

"We'll stand on top of the wall, furthest away from the gate, to lure the titans away so the people guarding Eren will only have to focus on moving that boulder," He kept on explaining the plan to me, but was forced to leave after about an hour of is just talking.

"I guess you really want to leave right?" The young nurse asked me.

"Yeah, I want to see my, uh, fellow graduates," I told her.

"Okay, it's only four o'clock in the afternoon, so I'll give you a final checkup and send you away to your boyfriend," She told me, but I soon corrected her.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I raised my voice slightly.

"We'll he seems to really like you, I mean he visited for at least four hours each day just to see you," She told me, making me blush slightly.

*Time jump, later that evening*

I was glad to be out of the confines of the infirmary, but I still felt uncomfortable with all the people staring at Marco and I, but it was hard not to. Marco was walking with an arm to support a girl who hasn't shown up for three, almost four, days after almost bleeding to death.

"Tomorrow we're gonna seal up Trost like I told you, so you should get some rest before then," Marco told me.

"Haven't I been resting enough lately?" I laughed lightly.

"I know but, you almost bled out. I don't want you fainting when we're killing the rest of the titans tomorrow. I don't even want you to go with us into Trost, but we need all soldiers we can get," Marco sighed, puffing out his cheeks.

'I wonder if what the nurse said is true,' I thought to myself, deciding that I'd ask him after the cleanup was done in Trost.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I waved goodbye to Marco after he helped me get to my barracks.

"What the hell happened to you?" One of the girls asked, making everyone else turn towards me.

"What do you mean?" I asked the girl, who I think was called Ymir.

"I mean, you jump off the side of a roof, fly away, disappear for three days, then come back with stitches on your face, arm, and leg," Everyone looked at me, expecting to hear the full story, so I told them what happened from after I jumped off the roof to now.

"It's kind of silly though," I sadi as I finished.

"I did the same thing, went to fast then ran out of gas. That's how I discovered Eren, but I didn't know it was him at the time," Mikasa told me, but I didn't really believe it.

"If you did what I did, then how come I almost bled to death while you got up and were perfectly fine?" I asked her, a tiny bit of anger in my voice.

"I don't know, maybe I wasn't as high up as you," She just gave a simple explanation.

"Or maybe even the ground I walk on is out to get me," I said, trying to stop the conversation.

"Why do you avoid everyone anyways?" Sasha,I think, asked me.

"I've just never been good at social interactions, or having friends for that matter. All of the people who I've ever seen either avoided me, insulted me, or hit me, well except for my parents and Marco. I guess I've just gotten used to it," I shrugged, but immediately regretted it because a sharp pain shot up my arm.

"Well why did you just give up? You could've talked to one of us you know," She looked at me with sad eyes, but I didn't want to keep talking about it.

"I need to get some sleep before tomorrow," I told them, rolling over to my right side to face away from them.

"Whatever, be that way," I heard Ymir sigh.

'I hope I can find the courage to actually talk to people,' I thought before falling asleep, just to be greeted by the same nightmare of being drowned in my mothers blood.

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