The Beginning of the End

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*Elisa's POV*

When I woke up the next morning, sat bolt upright, thinking that I was late, and I threw, literally threw the covers off of me, and ran to the other side of the room, slamming into the wall before I could stop myself, and I fell on my butt.

"How graceful can I get?" I whispered to no one.

I got up, and rubbed my behind, opening up one of the drawers in my dresser, pulling out my beige button up shirt, and I opened another drawer and took out my uniform pants. I proceeded to take my pajamas off, pulling my pants on and hopping around, tripping on the sheets the were strewn on the floor, after that monstrosity, I shrugged on my beige shirt, carefully sliding it over my now pointless bandages, the proceeded to button it up. When that was finished, I put on my harness, and I somehow managed to clip the wrong belts together before putting them all on right, then I grabbed my brush. First, I brushed out my hip length dark brown hair that, by the way, I really needed to cut shorter, after I brushed it out completely, I pulled it up into a ponytail that was almost at the top of my head, making sure it was tight, and leaving out my bangs, I then started braiding the ponytail, just to make it shorter, the I tied it off with the black string I've been using for a very long time.

"Finally done," I sighed, shrugging on my Survey Corps jacket, putting ony dad's necklace and stepped into the hall, not seeing anyone else in the hall, I started running downstairs. I burst through the door to the mess hall panting, but to my surprise it was empty apart from Levi sitting at the head of the tables.

"You're early," He said with his monotonous voice, going back to his tea cup and stack of papers.

"Are you kidding me?!" I said a little louder that I wanted to, covering my mouth then whispering sorry.

"What?" He glanced up, looking slightly annoyed.

"S-sorry sir, I thought I was late so I was rushing, but I guess I wasn't late," I explained, and he just nodded flipping over one of the pieces of paper.

"Just sit down," He sighed, getting back to his papers.

"Captain?" I asked, still standing, and he looked over at me looking extremely annoyed.

"If you're going to ask about breakfast, then the answer is that you will have to make it yourself," Levi told me, reading my mind somehow.

"Okay, thanks," I walked towards the kitchen door, then when I arrived I grabbed three eggs and a loaf of bread, and proceeded to cook the eggs.

When I walked back in I sat down at my usual table, and I started eating the eggs, which weren't that bad considering I was the one that made them. Once I finished eating I got up and put my dishes away, I sat back down and put my head down on the table to have a short nap before people started showing up.

*Time jump, about an hour later*

I awoke to someone shaking me and whispering my name, when I opened my eyes I saw that it was Jean who had woke me up.

"Morning sleepyhead," Jean said teasingly as I rubbed the sleep out my eyes.

"Shut up loser," I said back, smoothing my hair down, and detangling my bangs.

"Whatever, but we let you sleep through breakfast, but we're getting instructions soon so we decided to wake you up," Jean told me, gesturing towards the front, where Levi stood with his arms crossed.

"Okay, now that we're all paying attention, I'm going to start by saying that you will be given a supply of everything you will need and it will be attached to the saddle on your horse, and when you go to get saddled up, you will have ten minutes to do everything, so do it fast. That's it for now," Levi finished and everyone stood up and left to go out to the stables.

"Are you nervous about this?" Jean asked me, putting the saddle on his horse which happened to be beside mine.

"Kind of, what about you?" I asked him, securing the saddle onto my horse.

"Not really, I mean what's there to be nervous about?" He responded, putting the pouches full of signal flares on the side of his horse.

"Well, just the chance that you might not come back in one piece, or that they might not even be able to find your body," I told him, getting more and more nervous by the second.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," Jean reassured me, helping me get onto my horse, then getting onto his own.

"I know, it's just that I can't help being nervous," I told him, guiding my horse towards the group.

"You'll be fine, don't worry, and if anything does happen, I'll help you," He reassured me.

We kept going, and then Levi signaled that it was time for us to head to the starting point, Karanese district, and we set off.

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