The Big Announcement

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*Elisa's POV*

When I woke up the next morning I saw a sleeping Sasha right next to me, we were both on the same bed, and I was closest to the wall. I looked over my sleeping friend to see that the blankets had been thrown onto the floor in a heap, and one pillow was being grasped by Sasha, while the other was nowhere to be found. Slowly, I started getting up, trying not to wake the girl beside me, and I tiptoed towards the dresser on the other side of the room, to change out of my PJ's and put on my uniform.

After almost tripping on the blankets several times and finding that the missing pillow had found it's way to the door somehow, I finally made it to the dresser, so I pulled out my beige button up shirt, and pulled off my faded red night shirt and rewrapped the bandage that the nurse told me to keep on my left arm. After putting on my shirt, I got out my white uniform pants, and while putting one leg in I managed to face plant into the pile of blankets, landing with a thud, and praying that I hadn't woken Sasha, but I didn't. Without tripping any more, I managed to put my pants on, and then proceeded with my harness, which was a little more difficult than normal, because I was so used to tripping and falling while putting it on, mainly due to the fact that I always hopped around while putting stuff on, but I clumsily fell, again, and this time I heard shuffling from the bed.

"Do you mind?" A sleepy Sasha mumbled.

"Sorry! I just don't want to be late for that big meeting that Petra told us about," I told her, putting my right boot on.

"Oh crap! I totally forgot! I have to get dressed!" Sasha scrambled up and ran out the door towards her room as I finished putting my boots on.

"Wow," I sighed to myself, laughing at her a bit.

I started brushing out my hip length hair, before putting on my jacket, and I put it up into the high ponytail that I always did, but it was still too long, so I braided it, just to make it shorter, like always, then proceeded to try to get my bangs out of my face, but they were still just short enough to never tuck being my ear, and never long enough to put into the ponytail.

"I should really cut my hair shorter," I whispered to myself, putting on my jacket, and running of the door.

Heading down the stairs towards the door to the mess hall, I saw Corporal Levi leaning on the wall beside the door, and he had his eyes closed and looked deep in thought, but I passed by him, walking in to see an empty spot beside Krista, who was chatting with Ymir who was across from her.

"Good morning," I greeted, sitting down.

"Hey, where's - Oh! There she is!" Krista looked behind me, and I turned to see Sasha rushing towards me, taking a seat.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, we can begin," Levi started, looking at Sasha. "I know that last night you were all notified that there would be a big announcement made today, and I will tell you what it is," He paused for a few seconds, leaving the room in total silence. "In two weeks time, we will be heading into Wall Maria, to make a new route to Shiganshina district, because our previous one was meant to start at Trost, but that is no longer an option," Levi paused, looking over to Eren, who shrunk into his seat a tiny bit. "We will be leaving from Karanese District, and we will be out there for two days, clearing a way to reroute back onto the original path," He stopped again, sitting down. "You will be told more later, for now we will eat breakfast and then you will get a break for the day to do whatever you'd like," At that, everyone got up and got their breakfast.

"So, you excited for our first mission?" Sasha asked between bites of bread.

"Yeah, but I'm also really nervous. Who knows what could happen out there," I said, stabbing a piece of egg with my fork and putting it in my mouth.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Sasha continued, finishing off her piece of bread, and moving onto the eggs.

*Time jump, after breakfast*

"Hey, Elisa?" Sasha called out after I put my dishes away.

"Yeah?" I whipped around, accidentally hitting her with my hair.

"Ow! What was that for?" She cried out, pretending to be in pain.

"I'm sorry," I said, laughing a bit.

"It's okay. Anyways, we should go ride our horses, to get used to it more, and also, because I found a good spot to just relax, and it's really pretty," She told me, and we started walking out to the stables.

"We should bring a few more people, just in case," I suggested, and Sasha nodded.

"We could bring Mikasa. No, she'd want to bring Eren too. How about -" She was cut off by someone shouting behind us.

"Where are you ladies going?" It was Connie joined by Jean.

"We we're going to go to the stables and go for a little trip, but Elisa suggested that we should bring someone else with us, just in case," Sasha told the two boys, and I hid behind her.

"We could come," Connie suggested, and Jean groaned.

"Yeah! It would be the four of us!" Sasha clapped excitedly.

"Yay," Jean said sarcastically, glaring at me.

After we told Corporal Levi where we were going, and when we should be returning, we set out the the stables, with a packed lunch in each of our backpacks, and we saddled up.

"Hmm, my horse isn't here," I said, going up and down the row of horses.

"What does it look like?" Sasha asked me.

"She's pure black, with one patch of grey on her left eye," I told her, while the boys waited for us outside.

"Found her!" Sasha called out from the back of the stable.

"Thanks Sasha," I said as she handed me the reins, and a saddle, so I put it on, and hopped aboard the big horse.

"Are you finally ready to go?" Jean said, sounding very irritated.

"Yeah," I announced, and we set off towards where Sasha was taking us.

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