Dear Elisa

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Dear Elisa,

It's been thirty years since we've been together, and I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss you every day. The months following your death were pretty tough on everyone, mostly Sasha and I, but we did get through it. I guess I kind of felt numb after I saw the life fade away from you while I sat with you in my arms.

You were truly beautiful when you were here, and to see you slowly deteriorate was one of the worst things I've experienced. Seeing you beg for death was a completely new hell . Knowing that you're happy up there was one of the reasons I could sleep again.

I'd like you to know that I did find happiness after everything, and she's as beautiful as you. We have two kids now, they're ages six and eight. They hold the world in their hands and I hope that they can now leave the walls without fear, maybe they'll discover something magnificent.

Elisa, I want you to know that a few years after your death we got rid of the titans for good, we're free from those monsters after over a hundred years of their torment, of their destruction. I feel like after their demise that your death truly meant something, that all of the deaths of the countless soldiers meant something.

I don't know what else to tell you other than I miss you, I miss you so much. I also miss Marco, who was one of my first true friends. The both of you left such a positive impact on my life and all I can give in return is to let you both know that I will make sure that your memory stays fresh in the minds of the future generations.

I'll be with you again sometime, but for now I want you to know that I'm happy, truly happy.

Jean Kirstein


This chapter is for the one year anniversary of the end of 'Child of the Wings'. I know it's short, but I felt like I should write something for this.

Also, I'd like to thank everyone who has read, voted for and commented on my story. I never thought I would get 27k+ reads on this, so it's a pretty big deal.

Hope you enjoyed!

Stay tuned for more extra chapters that may come in the future.

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