Girls night

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*Elisa's POV*

*Time jump, two weeks after arrival*

The last week has been full of many hours of training, from six in the morning, to ten at night, every single day. It seemed like everyone was catching up with Eren, but I kind of stayed on the sidelines, Petra and I would talk before bed some nights.

"Ladies! Please meet me in my room after dinner!" Petra said excitedly, leaving the myself and the other four girls confused. "It'll be fun! Don't worry. Oh, Elisa!" She called out before I had the chance to leave.

"Yeah? What is it?" I asked her, a little bit impatient.

"You have to come, no complaints, and you have to participate in conversations," Petra sounded so serious, and I felt a little embarrassed because everyone else was watching.

"Ugh, fine," I sighed, walking away to my own room, but was pulled back into the dining hall.

"We're going to my room now," Petra told me, and started pulling me towards her room, and I looked at the boys, giving them a look that said 'help me, I don't want to do this', but they just snickered.

"I hate you all!" I shouted to the boys as is was dragged out of the hall, and into Petra's room.

When I was finally released from the death grip the she had me in, I looked around Petra's room, which was the same as mine except there was a desk on one side and it only had a regular bed, not a bunk, I also noticed that she had blankets, pillows, and mattresses set up in the middle of the room.

"Elisa's here!" Petra shouted, making the other girls stop talking and turn around and stare at me.

"Uh, hey," I said awkwardly, before taking a place in the corner of the room.

"Now that everyone's here, let's start!" Petra exclaimed.

"What are we starting exactly?" Sasha asked.

"Girls night!" Petra squealed happily.

"O-oh okay, well what do we do?" Krista asked, looking at the other girls.

"We can talk about stuff!" Petra exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"What do we talk about?" Mikasa asked.

"Whatever you want to," Petra let silence fill the room.

"What are we having for dinner tomorrow?" Sasha asked.

"Why?" Petra asked.

"I just want to know," Sasha awkwardly trailed off.

"How about we talk about," Petra paused, thinking about the next subject. "Training!" She exclaimed.

"Well, I think it's going good. I've improved a lot," Krista said.

"Yeah, I've gotten waaay better at using the 3DMG," Sasha told us.

"How about you Elisa?" Petra asked, making everyone turn and stare at me, and I started blushing.

"It's good," I mumbled.

"What?" Petra held her hand to her ear.

"It's good," I repeated, louder than the last time.

"What do you like about it?" Petra kept making me participate.

"I like the... uh... 3DMG training," I said, hoping to not have to talk any more.

"What to think of the corporal?" Petra blurted out.

"He's so short!" Sasha shouted, making me crack a slight smile.

"Yeah, and he always has the same expression," Ymir pointed out.

"But he's an amazing soldier," Mikasa said.

"He's really fast on his manoeuvre gear," I said. "And he always thinks of other people's safety before his own," I continued, remembering the first time we met.

"That's very true," Petra sighed.

"Do you like corporal Levi?" I asked Petra, opening up a little more.

"What?! No!" She denied, her face as red as a beet.

"Don't lie!" Sasha shouted.

"Don't you line Connie?" Ymir asked, making Sasha blush like crazy.

"Pffft, no. How about we get off the topic of that. How are you parents doing?" Sasha asked, but slapped her hand over her mouth in shock when she realised who she was talking to.

"I hope they're happy up there," Mikasa mumbled into her scarf, and I swear I could see a single tear fall down her cheek.

"I'm so so sorry that I asked guys, I really am," Sasha apologised.

"It's okay, I guess I have to get over it eventually," I said, trying to keep my voice steady, but it did crack in a few places.

"Yeah, it does help to talk about it," Petra said.

"Who wants to start?" Krista asked.

"I'll go," I volunteered, putting up my hand.

"Okay, start by saying what happened," Petra told me.

"Sure," I took a deep breath. "First, was my father, he was in the Survey Corps, and one day when I was five I had just came back from being -," I stopped, contemplating whether or not I should tell them, but I just shook my head." I came back from playing tag, and I had gotten hurt," I pointed to the mark on my left cheek. "So my mom was pretty upset, but I asked her when dad was coming home, and she smiled and told me that he was to come home that day," I paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. "When we got to the entrance of the district a younger soldier called out asking if Mrs. Deraener was there, so she suddenly got really worried, but me,being the innocent little girl I was, didn't understand why she was crying. So my mother had to explain what the soldier meant, and I turned to the soldier and asked him if my daddy had gotten his wings. The young man smiled and said he was guarding the gates, and I never understood what that meant-," I stopped myself from rambling too much, and I looked around, everyone in the room staring at me with wide eyes.

"I-I had no idea," Sasha hugged me, and I hugged her back.

"Does Jean know?" Krista asked, and I shook my head.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because maybe he wouldn't be such a jerk to you if he knew about you history," She looked at me sympathetically.

"Who's next?" I asked, trying to get the spotlight awarded from me.

"What about your mom? Is she still alive then?" Sasha asked, again realising what she was saying a little too late. "Oh my gosh! I'm so so-"

"It's fine, and no, she isn't alive, because she was killed when the colossal titan broke wall Maria, and when I got back to my house, I tried to save her, but her entire lower half was crushed by the rubble created by a chunk from the wall," I explained shortly, not wanting to go into detail.

"Well, I think that's enough for tonight," Petra got up and stretched. "And there's and important announcement tomorrow, so don't oversleep ladies!" She opened the door for us, and waved goodbye as we left to go our separate ways.

"Wait!" I heard what I thought was Sasha behind me.

"Yeah?" I asked her.

"Let's walk to our rooms together," She walked beside me, and the silence was welcomed this time. "I'm sorry, for making you talk about that," She told me, breaking the silence after a few minutes.

"It's fine, really," I waved it off. "I needed to talk about that."

"Can we still talk and stuff?" She asked.

"Sure," I smiled, and she came into my room and we talked all night long.

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