Chapter XIV: Katie

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I'm looking into the mirror. I brush my hair and put on a ponytail. When I'm done I put on my red hoodie and grab my backpack.

I already texted Liz, but she hasn't answered yet. She's probably still asleep.


I lock the door and walk downstares. It's early. Not so many people are up. Mostly the younger ones are here at this hour. Usually everyone comes down at 7 to just quickly grab something. But I like eating my breakfast in no rush.

''Mornin'!'' I say to Mrs. Simmons.

''Good morning you too!'' She greets. ''Almost Friday huh? Any plans for the weekend?'' She asks with a smile.

She's so nice. She always asks me how my days are and what plans I have. It's nice to have her around. I like her.

''Uh, yeah actually. I'm going to a party tomorrow.'' I say.

''I remember when I was at your age.'' She starts and puts on a big smile. ''We went out every week. Those houseparties were very cool. Of course we were teenagers. Just the rebel period. I couldn't count how many rules we broke back then. Don't tell this to anyone!'' She whispers the last sentence. ''But we had so much fun.'' She adds.

''I'm sure you did. That's cool!'' I reply with a smile.

''Well, enjoy your meal! And have a nice day!'' She says and places the pancakes on my plate.

''Thank you Mrs. Simmons! You too!''

I look around to find a seat. Then I notice Hunter. He's sitting with Skye.

I walk up to them.

''Hey guys!'' I say and sit down next to Hunter. ''What's up?'' I ask cause I feel the tension between them.

''What is up is that this dumbass didn't even reply me. I asked him how he is. But no answer. I got to know what happened from that stupid guy named Sean or something.'' She says freaking out over his brother.

I almost let out a laugh when she calls Sean stupid. But then I realize. He didn't tell her what happened?

I look at Hunter. ''Why didn't you tell her anything?'' I ask.

''I don't know. I didn't really check my phone.'' He says looking at his plate. He hasn't even touched it.

''You replied to me.''

''I know. But...'' He stops and looks at Skye. ''Look. I'm sorry! I'm trying. I really am. It's just hard.'' He looks down again and continues, ''I promise, I'll do better. I just need some time.''

I don't know what's got into me, but instinctively I reach out to his hand on the table and put my hand on his.

I'm looking at our hands, and I feel him laying his eyes on me. I turn to see his face, which is a little more bruised than it was yesterday. But he still looks super handsome.

I'm not gonna lie. That black eye looks really good on him.

He's looking at me with starry eyes.

He has the typical dark brown eyes that everyone could just get lost in. That's what they do to me too. I get lost all the time when looking into them, and forget about everything else around me.

I always look for something. Something that tells what's on his mind and how he feels. Like the first time I saw him. I looked into his eyes and just knew. He was broken. He wast lost.

And now I'm just studying those beautiful eyes and I just don't's different. He still has that look, but there's something else. But I don't know what. Like a mixture of all of the emotions. Like he's struggling with all these feelings at the same time. But there's one missing piece. I just feel it.

What's going on with you Hunter?

''Ahem!!'' I hear Skye clearing her throat.

I'm still so mesmerized that I don't even pull away. I'm sure Hunter heard it too, but he doesn't pull away either.

Gosh! Wish it was just the two of us here.

We're looking into each others' eyes while I'm still holding his hand.

''Aheeeemmmm!!'' I hear Skye trying louder.

We both start blinking and we break the moment. I let go of his hand, then we both look at her sister embarrassed.

''Finally! I thought I lost you both. I don't know how to bring someone back from hypnosis for God's sake!'' She says loud. ''And now if you'll excuse me, my friends are waiting.'' She says while standing up. ''By the way'' She turns around. ''She likes you. Jess. She asked if you're free for a date sometime.'' She says pointing at a girl.

We look over the left and see one of Skye's friends waving and smiling at Hunter.

''Tell her that I don't date anyone younger than me.'' He says and Skye walks off.

I shut my mouth cause I think I'm gonna burst out laughing if I don't.

Hunter looks at me. ''Whatcha laughin' at?'' He asks.

I take my hand away from my mouth. ''Nothing. You just have an admirer.'' I say chuckling.

''Very funny.'' He says and stucks his fork into his pancakes.

''Hey um...there's a party tomorrow.'' I start a little a few minutes later.

I keep fiddling with the end of my sleeves. ''I heard you kind of shouted Sean's head off the other night.'' I pause. I don't know why I'm so nervous. ''So, now I'm asking whether you wanna come?''

He turns to me and asks surprised, ''You're goin'?''

''Yeah. Well, I wanted to stay here and study. But eventually I caved in. You know Liz. She always gets what she wants.'' I explain.

He puts on a slight smile. ''You're right. You should go. But I think I'll stay here.'' He says and puts a bite in his mouth.

''You know I'm here for you if you need me right?'' I ask after a few seconds.

He swallows the bite and says, ''Yes. I know. And thank you for that!'' He say turning to me.


''And I'm sorry for being a jerk lately!'' He apologizes looking right into my eyes.

''Hi guys!'' Says Liz in a tired voice and sits down.

''Um, I'm gonna go now.'' Says Hunter and stands up putting his backpack on.

''What's the bag for?'' I ask.

Where is he going?

''For school.'' He says.

''Shouldn't you stay here 'til tomorrow?'' I ask surprised.

''Yes. But as you know me, I don't usually care about the rules.''

''Of course.'' I nod. ''Do you want me to go with you?'' I ask.

''No. I'm good. I wanna be alone.''

''You sure?''


''Be careful!'' I say.

He nods and walks off.

''What was that about?'' Asks Liz.

''I asked him about tomorrow.''

''I guess the answer was a no.''

''Yeah.'' I answer disappointed.

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