Chapter XXXIX: Katie

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Hi guys!:)

Sorry, this chapter came a little later than promised. But here it is.

I hope you have a nice day and hope y'all doing okay.:)

I hope you'll enjoy this little chapter. And feel free to comment and write down your thoughts about the book.

***Don't forget to VOTE!***

Have fun! And see you in a few days:)

- E.K

We put on a random TV show on Netflix. But honestly, I have no idea what it's called and what it's about. I couldn't follow the storyline from the first minute. My mind has been somewhere else lately.

Is it selfish if I think about Hunter more than my own parents on the day that they died? I feel like I'm a bad person.

''Alright. I'm out.'' Says Liz and jumps up leaving the spot next to me empty. ''Sean and I have plans tonight. He said he'll take me out for a date. And I have no idea where we'll go. He didn't tell me a thing. But I'm so excited OH MY GOD!!''

''Yeah. Okay.''

''Hey. I'm here if you need anything. Just call me and I'll be back as soon as I can.'' She says and hugs me tight.''

''Got it. But Liz?''


''I - can't - breathe.'' I try to force these few words out. She's sqeezing me so tight that my spine is gonna break into two parts if she doesn't let go.


''I can't...''

''Oh...sorry!'' She lets go of me when she realizes that she's about to break me to death. ''But me.''

''Okay. Now go and have fun!'' I push her towards the door.

''Trust me, I will!'' She winks at me and walks out of my room shutting the door behind her.

I sigh and look down at that little black box with a white bow and pick it up. I think it's time to give it to him finally.

I pick up my phone and text him.

Me: Hey. Whatcha doin?

He replies instantly. I put on a smile as I see his name on my screen again.

Hunter: Just the usual

Hunter: Music teraphy and staring at the ceiling

Hunter: U?

Me: I wanna give u somethin

A few seconds pass and nothing. I throw my phone on the bed.

Shit! I know he doesn't like presents. I shouldn't have mentioned that. Gosh! I'm an idiot!

My phone rings and I reach for it as my life depends on it.

Hunter: lobby, 5 mins

I'm so relieved that he wrote this.

Me: goin

I look down at my outfit and suddenly I feel like I should put on something nicer. But in the next moment my other half says that I'm an idiot. And probably she's right. Why should I dress up? It's not a date. It's just me, giving my best friend a birthday present.

Jesus Katie! Just act normal! He's just a friend. Your best friend.

Only if it was so easy to think that he's just a friend...


I literally run down the stares as my life depends on it. I see that the door that leads to the lobby is open. I hurry to pass through the entrance, but the next thing I feel is something hard knocking against my forehead. I lose my balance and start backing up. Fortunately, my stamina is good enough to stay on my feet, but Hunter's present falls out of my hand and falls onto the ground.

Of course I was stupid enough not tying the top to the whole box and everything fell out.

I bent down to take everything up, but I get a little dizzy. head.

''Jesus Katie! Sorry! I didn't see you.'' Says a tiny desperate voice.

I look up and see Skye.

''What the fuck is going on in...'' I hear Hunter's voice from outside. He stops in the doorframe and freezes. ''here.'' He finishes the sentence and rushes to me. ''Jesus Katie! What happened? Are you okay?''


''Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?''



''I'm fine.'' I say and touch his hand. ''I was rushing through the door and it kinda closed before I could've enter the lobby. Skye didn't see me coming and she just shut the door on me. But I'm fine.'' I'm trying to save this moment for Skye before Hunter starts yelling.

''Why can't you watch out?!'' He jumps up shouting at Skye.

Yep. That's the thing what I wanted to avoid.

''I didn't mean to. I just didn't see her. I'm sorry!'' Skye's trying to make excuses.

''Well, you should've.''

''Hunter.'' I stand up.

I really need to do something. He's not himself. And yes, I know she's her sister. But he's not really aware of these facts when he's like this.

I gently touch his shoulder and hold onto his hand. This always helps him somehow.

He turns to me as a response. He gives me that broken look again. From anger it changes to grief, regret and sadness.

I feel my heart in my throat as I think about Hunter. It hurts seeing him like this. It always reminds me of what he had to go through. The pain he had to face at that young age. I mean I had to suffer for the same reason too. But Hunter...he watched his parents die in front of him. My heart breaks even more if I think of that little boy.

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