Married to Her NIGHTMARES

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First for all, a heartfelt thank you to all those beautiful people who voted/commented.
And I request all the silent readers to please be vocal too.
I like to read your comments and your votes just make my day!
Not a big thing to ask for, right?

I hope I will see the increase in numbers hereafter!

Now let's get started with the Chapter!

Bela's pov


Are These the emotions a bride to be feels?

I am sure it's not the case but who can be blamed for my situation!?!

I have always been the unlucky one!

But look at me, I am all ready to marry a person whom I despise!

I want to ask for help....i thought to call Suruchi or even for a thought I wanted to call Ishaan but I know none can stand against Him!

And I did not want to disturb their peaceful lives.
And anyways, that animal had seized my mobile phone.!

This was my mess and I will deal with it myself!

The Mighty Trehan had my secrets and I know he won't hesitate to use that information against me.
If it was against me i would have fought but only I know if those secrets were to be crossed checked, all that I have built up for Suhani and myself will collapse.

I have lived those accusations....survived those allegations for all these years and I would be damned if I let some Mr. Nakul Mahendra Trehan destroy everything again!

I can't let him play with our lives!

But he used this information real well....and so i had to agree to that arrogant Brute!
He may have an upper hand now but I have never learnt to turn my back!

Those secrets are mine to keep and I would go to any extend to protect that.!

But in all this, I could not understand what was he getting out of it?
Why did he even threatened me to marry him?
I thought about all the possibilities and I could not point out even one reason behind his sudden obsession of Marrying me!
I tried asking him the same but he only came back with more anger and threats.

And right now I am just a puppet in his hands and so I am sitting here in front of a bunch of over friendly grooming team.

They are here to turn me into a Bride, his Bride!

He had ordered his stylists to groom me like a Doll.!
For someone who was willing to marry him, would have been on cloud nine.
The jewels, The Lehenga, everything was to die for.
Of course, he had to show off but for me they were my Shroud!
I felt as if I was wrapped around with burning coals.!

The over chirpy make up artist had said -
Ma'am i haven't seen a Bride as beautiful as you!

I looked at my reflection but all could see was a sad girl who didn't want any of this...yet I tried to put up a brave face as I knew That Trehan is going to make my life hell anyway!

The door banged open and there He was!
My tormentor!

Think of the Devil! - mocked my inner self

He stood at the door frame, all intimidating.!

I knew he was watching me but I kept my lashes low, he then barked his stylists to leave the room which left me shivering.
I held the sides of the lehenga tightly as I did not want to look like a weakling in front of that Arrogant!

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