How Is This Possible?

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Hello beautiful people!

Why this sudden drop in the reads and comment and votes?

Am I not writing well?

If yes, let me know so that I can rectify my mistakes!

If not, then what went wrong?

And if this is because I was late in my updates this time, then trust me, I know I did my best!
People, please for a day put your legs in my shoes and then decide my situation!

And appreciate my Efforts!
That is all I am asking from you all!

Anyways, thanks to all of you who stood by me and still showered the chapter with love and appreciation.

Now let's start with today's chapter!

Mature Steamy Scenes ahead, read it on your own risk.!
Also, I might have been influenced from a few of my favourites reads here!
But I assure you I tried to be original!
And I hope it turned out Good!

Also this Chapter will be in two parts!

So, you know what you have to do... Yes you understood this right!

You have to VOTE!



Now I will shut up and proceed with the chapter!

20th May 2021

Writer's pov

Nakul was drawing errotic and unimaginable pleasure from the kiss, his palm fisted Bela's silky soft hair on the back of her head and he turned her face backwards according to his best access!

Bela could not help it anymore, her heart surrendered as she was drawn in by the force, the urgency and pressure of the tempest building in those damnable lips and she responded, earning a groan from Nakul.!

Nakul left her juicy lips eating all of her lipstick only when Bela was breathless, she tried to catch some air when Nakul began to chastely kiss her shoulders, moving aside the silk blouse, sending a clear message to Bela that how much exactly he wanted her.!

Bela ignored the dagger of uneasiness stuck in her throat and her past experiences dancing in front of her eyes, mentally telling herself that this was the right moment to give in, even if it dug at the every pieces of her heart that she had glued together over the years after being broken at an early age....she understood their needs at that moment and she willingly wanted to give in.....but the price was too much to give in as she wanted to protect herself from any unseen outcomes.

Nakul whispered -

I am going to Undress you Bela!

Alarmed, she held on to her saree like a small kid, she could not choose between what she felt and what would be the right thing to do at this situation. Her heart wanted to go ahead with the heat radiating from her hormones, she wanted to drown in the world of forbidden pleasures but at the same time, she was unsure of the risks that came along if she went with the flow. Sensing her hesitation, Nakul said -

Wife, It’s not a weakness to want to let go!
It's natural to want The Thrill of taking a risk....The Pleasure of feeling the rush.! Look at me, despite the horrible past, I am still willing to give you my body!
So, don't think much!

Stunned at his words, Bela blinked -

How did you know what I was thinking?

In return, Nakul's smile was slow and easy, revealing a rarely seen dimple in his cheek, he spoke -

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