Secrets Kept

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Hello Guys!

Date 19th April 2021

Today, I lost one of my very dear ones, due to Covid!
May his soul rest in peace!

My heart is so empty right now!
And all the beautiful times that I was fortunate to spend with him is playing right in front of my eyes!

I hope you all are safe with your families!
Please stay connected to each other and seek help on right time!

It's a request!

And, now heart felt thank you to those who actually voted on my request and I am so so so Glad that you all voted enough to encourage me!

And sorry my genuine readers, you all had to wait!
But it's all worth it!

Now, let's get back to the new chapter today!

16th April 2021

Yes, you read it right, the chapter was ready long back, but I was waiting for the target, but not any more!
I needed to feel connected to you people, atleast for today!
And what could be better than making a few faces smile with my writing!

So, here it goes!

Writer's pov

Bela, be my Wife!
In every ways Possible!

Breaking the kiss, Nakul had proposed a very deep emotion, his words were straight without any sugar coating or beating around the bush!

He has always been a man of confidence and his words were taken seriously every single time but Bela did not know what to say to Nakul.

The magical moment between them crumbled down as his words made sense to her mind. Bela felt someone had poured a bucket full of ice cold water on her.

She was stupified at his demand.!
And how weak she felt in front of his one request!

Yes, they had come closer these past few days but Taking the next step in their marriage was a bigger stake.

But Bela wondered if she was ready yet!
She had to decide if she trusted Nakul enough to accept him as her Husband!

Was He worth her innocence?

Nakul watched her widening her eyes, he knew Bela understood what he meant by the "Every Possible Ways" but she chose to keep quite and that irritated him.

You don't like my Touch? - he gritted his teeth and snapped

Bela flinched at the sudden change in his tone and stuttered -'s nothing like that!
I.... Don't know what to say to you at this moment!
And about liking your touch, You very well know, I was equally responsive!
But taking this marriage to the next level is a very big step!

Also ours is not a very straight, sorted marriage...and I know for a fact that this marriage has been a burden for both of us! don't know.....i....i...i have Issues to take care of! - she added lowering her eyes

Like what???
Bela, if it's about some other love interest or inclination from your Past, then just forget about it!
Never and I mean Never...will I allow you to walk out of this marriage for such reasons!
You can not and will not walk out on our marriage....That will never Happen!

You Are MINE!

And I promise, I will fulfill all your needs, both Physical and Material! - Nakul held her by fisting her hair, his mind spitting anger

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