The Two Leads : The Woman

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Hello guys!

Like I promised, I am back with another chapter this week. So, kindly guys vote, share, comment!

Now that you are familiar with the Man of the Story, let's find out about the Woman who will shake his entire existence!

She is Strong yet Softhearted!
She is Beautiful yet Broken!

She has many secrets at the back of her existence and those secrets have power to destroy her entire life.

Let's see who She is!

Writer's pov

A girl, beautiful 25 years old, is sitting amongst senior doctors of a reputed Hospital.
A PowerPoint presentation is going on latest technology, soon being introduced to their hospital.
She is a nurse, but her dedication towards her services, made her a bright staff amongst the senior doctors. And they prefered that she attends such seminars and other important meetings. The senior doctors trusted here enough to keep her in the loop.

But today she is distracted.!

Her younger sister, oh sorry her younger baby sister's constant texts were not letting her concentrate in the meeting.

Her phone beeped again -

Di, I am not going to take a no for an Answer this time.!
You have to come!
Besides, he is eager to meet you!

She sighed at the text and roamed her eyeballs from the corner of her almond shaped eyes and found every single eyes on her!

Way to embarrass Girl!

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and thinned her lips but one of the senior doctors spoke -

You seem a little distracted today?

Dr. kapoor, look at the time!
You are old but she is young, she got a life outside this Hospital!
Besides, it's Friday night!
Let the girl go? - another senior lady doctor smiled

Ah! If you say so Dr kripa.!
How can I possibly deny your words! - replied Dr. Kappor

N.. No sir... Ma'am!
It's fine.
I am sorry for the texts.!
It's just my Sister, you know how she can be! - she replied

No-no! She is right!
You need to loosen up!
Go out it's Friday night!
Kids your age have fun...and here you are stick with this old man.! - Dr. Kapoor chuckled

Sir! It is my pleasure to work with you!
I don't mind!
You know how much I enjoy learning about new medical technologies. - the girl replied politely

Just go Girl before I change my mind and your little birdie comes here! - insisted Dr. Kapoor

Both Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Kripa Kapoor are the pilars of the city hospital and they loved this girl.

The girl smiled at the couple for being so considerate and took her leave.

She texted -

I am coming Babysis!

And Instantly her phone pinged -

Perfect I have a dress for you on the bed.
Wear that!

And no excuses!

Not Again su!
You know I don't like to dress up! - she replied

I will be waiting for you at Club Mokka Blanca!!!
See you! - replied her sister

With no choices left, she sighed again and waited for the bus.

She reached home and she groaned looking at the dress his sister chose.
It was way too blingy for her!
She was not someone who liked to be the center!

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