A Deadly Trap

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Hello Love Loves!

Happy Halloween!!!!

I hope you all are happy and healthy!

Here is the new chapter for you all you!

Hopefully, you will enjoy!

31st October 2021

Writer's pov

Nakul was sitting in a conference room, annoyed at the delegates and his situation at hand. The meeting was tiring and they had been working on the deal for the last six hours straight.
Nakul wanted to talk to Bela but the arms and ammunition deal was equally important as it was going to expand his business, also, the Indian Government and the Arms & Weapon Department had approved Nakul's proposal to supply the arms to the Police Department from overseas. Yes, Nakul was many things but he was a very responsible Businessman also. He knew, he had the power and resources to do something good for the country and thus he was doing his bit, it was something he learnt from his Father, this is another thing that not every one was aware of his contribution, he kept it hidden as he did not want unnecessary attention.

He believed in actions and not the show off!

This was another unseen shade of The Business Tycoon Nakul Mahendra Trehan!

Nakul was checking the functionality of each and every pistol that lay in front of him, every one of them were best than the other. Even though the Israeli experts were explaining the details to him, He really wished Ishaan was there, he was usually good at checking the guns and it's technicalities. But he was drowned in darkness and Nakul had mentally decided to have a proper talk with his friend as his ignorance to the business was proving to be disastrous. No matter what, Ishaan was a sharp minded businessman and Nakul missed his inputs and his suggestions.
Nakul did not have any problems with his friend but the way Ishaan was persuing Bela had Nakul agitated.
If only, he understood that Bela was now Nakul's wife and he needed to move on with this fact.

There was no way Nakul was letting go of Bela!

She was His!

His Possession!

And he intended to keep her to only himself!

For the first time, he had found someone for himself and he would be damned if Bela left him for Ishaan...or for that other fucker!

Also, he knew Bela was better with him if he wanted his family to be Happy. With her Beauty, he knew she could get any man on his knees without even lifting a finger but he would not let that happen.
Truth be told, he was still getting her watched but Deep down he knew that she would not betray him but his past experience with women never let him believe in Bela.

What can one expect when his own mother left him unloved and unwanted?

And he hardly knew Bela!

He had mixed feelings about her character and conduct!

And many evidences were against her!
And then there was that bastard who did not leave any chance to rile him up!

His Brain and Heart were fighting a war and he did not know which one to believe!

If only things were simple!

Sir, what do you think?
Which One do we choose?? - he was brought back to present by one of the members of the team

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