Stay Away From Me

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Hello guys!

Back with another chapter!
Thank you guys, the readers family is growing and I couldn't be any happier!

Writer's pov

The silence in the usually occupied hospital gallery was sending a weird nagging feeling to Bela.
Bela's mind kept telling her that something was off... She could feel eyes on if someone was following her and she could not afford any risks regarding Suhani and her baby.
With a more alert eyes, She looked everywhere but could not find anyone.

She quickly went to her locker and took out Suhani's reports and reached the Gynaecology department.

Avyan too had joined them....and he softly greeted Bela and told her that he took care of any suspicious media attention.

And now was the time for the diagnosis.
Bela checked with Suruchi if everything was ready for Suhani to which she nodded.

Dr. Suruchi asked - So parents!
Ready for the scan??

Hell yes Doc! - Avyan replied giving his best charming smile and Suruchi rolled her eyes

Suhani was nervous and she held Bela's hand.

Bela patted her head lovingly and
made Suhani lay on the examination bed and Suruchi applied gel and began the ultrasound.

And suddenly the monitor began to produce a sound....the heart beat of the Baby!

The sound held everyone stilled in their places and it was Dr. Suruchi who spoke the first - You hear that sound?

That's your baby's heart beat!

Avyan clutched Suhani's hand in his and spoke softly - Our Baby!
And Suhani shed a tear and nodded her head.

Suruchi explained the details about the foetus and both the parents were nearly in tears.

Thank you Bela!
You are the Best!!!
I don't even know what would I do without you!
Thank you for looking after my Suhani and our baby!
And thank you Dr. Suruchi! - Avyan spoke in gratitude

That's my niece/nephew we are talking about!
I would be damned if I let someone hurt even a single hair on them! - Bela beamed in happiness

Now, both of you, Go!
I will take care of everything from here! - she nudged suhani to go with Avyan

As she had to fill other details and she assured that she will personally take care of all the reports.

Suruchi was filling in the data in her system when she frowned.

What is this Bela? - asked a baffled Dr.

What is it Dr.? - Bela pretended to be busy with papers

There might be a mistake!
These reports have your name as the expecting mother! - Suruchi spoke not beating around the bush

This not a mistake Suruchi!
I.... I don't want suhani to face any humiliation or judgements before her marriage! - replied Bela fidgeting her fingers

This is insane Bela!
I know you are concerned about Suhani.
But this is a Fraud!
You know, if we get caught....we both will be screwed! - Suruchi gritted her teeth

Bela spoke - Suruchi, calm down please!
I have thought this through!
Once, Avyan and Suhani are married, they will announce their pregnancy.
And then these papers won't matter!

But, are you sure about it?
It can be really chaotic if someone finds out about these paper! - suruchi spoke concerned

I will handle the situation Ruchi!
Trust me I am just trying to protect Suhani and the baby!
Besides, who on earth would want to spy on me?
And moreover, who would care if I am pregnant or not? - Bela replied half smiling

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