Lets Be Each Other's

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Hello Beautiful Guys!

Today no talks!
I just Hope and Pray that all of you stay Safe and Sound.

Let's get started with the Chapter!

28th April 2021

Writer's pov

Days passed and Nakul was much better and Bela was also able to refocus on her profession. She loved her profession and she loved treating patients and people in need. And now a days, the increasing number of the Covid Patients had really kept the brave medical professionals on their toes. She worked on different shifts whenever she could. This time, Nakul also respected her choice. Things have been cordial between the two.

Anyways, today was also a busy day at the hospital, everywhere was a chaos.
Bela was passing by the Hospital corridors when she saw a lost Suruchi standing at the edge of the glass wall. She frowned and called out her name reaching to her and Suhani flinched at the sudden call.

Oh my God....What are you doing here Suruchi? Why you look... So.... Pale?
What's wrong? - Bela asked looking at her friend

I... It's nothing Bela!
I am ok!
Sorry I... Was just..... Let's get back to the rounds! - suruchi spoke hurried

Suruchi, what is it?
Calm down, I just came from the OPD, I think there are enough of attendants there. So, don't worry!

How about we go for a cup of Coffee? - asked Bela

I.... I.... Don't know... I am not feeling like drinking coffee! But if you want to...Come, let's go! - replied suruchi, walking aimlessly still lost in her own world

And I now know there is definitely something bothering you Suruchi!
What is it? Why are you so lost? - Bela held Suruchi's arm

Suruchi sighed and watched Bela intently and asked something which was not at all expected by Bela -

Are you Happy in your Marriage Bela?

Bela widened her eyes but her tongue was tied, she gulped and replied softly - Why do you Ask?

Dad got a proposal for me and guess what, who is the Guy? - Suruchi sighed

You got a proposal... Woah!
Who is the lucky guy!?!
Omg! Do you like him already? - asked Bela excited

Bela, do you think, Nakul is treating you right? Do you think, he is the one for you? - suruchi asked seriously

Why are you asking me about my marriage?
What has Nakul got to do with your marriage proposal?
I.... Am not understanding! - Bela asked frowning

It's......it's....Ishaan Malhotra!
Dad thinks that he is perfect for me! But....H....He does not know that Ishaan has feelings for you!
Dad wants me to say yes to this proposal!
How can I Bela? How can I... When Ishaan won't even look at me!?!
H... He is still waiting for you!
Everything is Tangled Bela! - suruchi broke down leaving Bela also stunned

Ruchi... You... Are.... Mis... Mistaken!
Please, Ishaan can not have feelings for me!
I... Do not consider him anything more than a good person and may be a friend!?!
I.. I am married to Nakul!
How can I.... What is he even thinking?
That day also when he had come to meet me, I told him clearly that I do not have any feelings for him!
Then why? - Bela asked in pain

It's Heart Bela!
We don't know who it chooses!
His heart chose you....But....my parents chose him for me!
What am I supposed to do? - suruchi was way more affected than we had imagined

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