The Two Leads : The Man

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Hello lovlies!

Since a lot of you are interested in the plot, I am going to continue writing this story ahead. I might update once a week from now on, so kindly support me for this!

Also, this story will consist cussing, abuse and other adult stuff, so kindly don't proceed if your are not up for it!

Now, before everything else, I am going to introduce you all the two main leads of the story.

The guy who is the soul of this story is everything women desire and men envied but he was not interested in Love!

And the Lady who is the heart of the Story is everything Pure and Brave but she does have her dark secrets too and because of that she lives under a shadow, like a cover up!

But one thing was common with them, they both hated to Love!

For them, Love, Only Kills!

Now, Let's get to know them better!

Writer's pov

Somewhere in the dark of the Night, Music was playing or rather Blasting.
People present there looked as if this was the start of Daytime for them.

Beautiful bartender (girls and boys) were serving their visitors. Their clients openly flirting with them but this is what the bartenders were trained for. And if anything went out of hand, the club had a good number of bodyguards to beat the shit out of any smart asses.

The club as usual was fully occupied, Few older men seemed to have their time, by grinding themselves on young girls who were more like prostitutes.

Few men were gulping liquor, some smoking opium...cocaine....and some of the men were there to try their fate.
They were playing Casino!
A whole vast sea of money was littering around.
And gambling tables were set!

A group of middle aged women were drunk giggling and gossiping about who is who and what's the gossip behind them.

All in All, this place was surrounded by people who looked like they had friends but the truth was they all were hollow from the inside and came here to mask the loneliness of their lives.

Suddenly, the door opened and came in a 6 feet 2 inches tall Greek God.
His sharp chiselled jaw was to die for, his alluring manly scent had the heads turned towards him, but he like always ignored them all.

He walked in as if he owned the Place which indeed was true!

This bold, cold hearted handsome man was the owner of this sinful club.
He spoke with some of his trusted staffs at the club and instructed them with the rules as tonight, was a theme night.

A Masquerade Dance Night!

And it was no secret that many high profile, spoilt, underaged rich kids participated for such themes.
And later they would get wasted!

The guy, gulped down a few whiskey quarters and then decided to loosen up for the night!

He wanted a prey for himself.!
He wanted a good Fuck!

His eyes roamed around the club like hawk and suddenly, he saw a masked girl, away from crowd, as if she didn't belong here yet she was here.

He smirked thinking to have her as a good Tissue for the night!

His mind warned him that She didn't look like someone who would herself like to come to a fake place like this but then he had seen many such whores who pretended to be naive girls and so he knew, looks can be deceiving!

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