Dont Want To Stop

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Hello People!

How are you All?

Here is another one of the continued steamy chapter!

So read on your own risk, as for some, it may have a little strong graphic language!

I would say under 18 can skip if they are not comfortable, please!

27th May 2021

Writer's pov

Bela looked so vulnerable in front of Nakul's confused and dark hungry eyes, tears flowing through her eyes, due to both pain and fear. The intensity with which he had thrusted inside her without much of time, had caused her immense pain and distress.

And now she was scared of his gestures.!

Was he not going to care an ounce about her comfort?

It was not easy for her to take the next step in their marriage due to her past experience with the way men treated her. Yet, she had decided to show some courage but now, sensing to his doubts about her first time, she also felt being judged and humiliated.

She sure was giving her body to Nakul by her own will, but she did not like the way he had doubts over her character and she knew there is more to his such assumptions only gave away about his pre conceived notion about her.
And now, she wanted to put a halt on their current she thought it was first better to talk things out.

But For now, She wanted to go back in her shell again!

And not reveal her Treasures!

However, Nakul was shocked to see this side of Bela!
His mind was playing with him already but his inner self told him that his wife was innocent, atleast a Virgin!

Rest, he did not want to ponder over!
In fact, this new found information had made Nakul more turned on and hungry for Bela.

He wanted to devour her in every ways he could think of!

He wanted to be the first and the only one to deflower her and ravish her till his last ounce of energy!

For this night at least, he wanted to forget what he knew about his wife and what his thoughts were about her past.

If there was any man before him, he sure was going to erase every trace of that, leaving and imprinting only his name on Bela's Body and Soul!

He sure will make that Happen!

And Nakul exactly knew How to!

Present Time

You can't be a V... Virgin, right? - Nakul spoke, almost whispering in disbelief

And w... Why is that Nakul? - asked Bela looking straight in his green orbs

Nakul watched his wife, whose lips and chin were quivering, her forehead had sweat beads and eyes full of tears. He felt a little guilty for voicing out those words.

Bela looked in his eyes and asked in a bitter tone - I know Nakul, you don't have noble thoughts about my character but I have never been with a man in this way before!
Didn't you find out about this fact when you were digging about me?

Anyway, now you even have the proof!

So, why would you think otherwise Nakul?

A rare emotion crossed through Nakul's eyes and he pondered over the photos that were sent to him, which clearly had a younger Bela with several men. And not to forget the way Avinash had openly accepted their extra marital affair.
But for now, he wanted to wipe away those images and concentrate on his wife.

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