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Hello Beautiful people!
How was your Holi celebration??

We had a very limited access to colors this time, but yes we ate a lot of Holi special snacks and desserts.

And gained a lot of pounds as well!
*Face palm*

Do share your experience!

And extremely sorry for the Blunder that happened last time with the chapter.
Also sorry for being Late but really needed a break from writing.

Now, coming back to the Story, let's begin with the new chapter today!

5th April 2021

Writer's pov

Nakul had announced about the Baby Shower the next week for Drishti. The function was to be held at His Mansion.
The best event management company was given the contract to plan the party. Politicians, Businessmen, Celebrities, Foreign delegates, and many more famous guests were given the invitation. At this time, He wanted to spoil his sister and his niece/nephew.!

Nakul had warned Bela to behave and she had mentally scoffed, of course she also wanted everything to go smooth, if not for Drishti, for herself. As she knew one goof-up and Nakul will blame her.
She made sure that everything was cross checked and matched up to the Standards of the Trehans. In fact, from time to time she even took leaves from the Hospital to go for shopping and other stuff. She had grown close to Drishti too, as they both spent some time together for the planning.
However, Bela mentally always felt disturbed thinking that Drishti was married to such a Pervert who flirted with anyone with some kind of H@le.

But she kept her thoughts to herself as she did not want to get involved in any scandals. Things were stable with Nakul these days and she didn't want to disturb that, also now a days Dr. Avinash was mostly seen with Drishti and Bela too avoided him as much as she could.
Avinash also, never bothered her from past two months.
Probably, he got his senses back!

And Today was a shopping Day for Suhani and Bela. Suhani had pouted and blackmailed Bela to go for shopping for them. Finally it was decided that they will buy gifts for Drishti's baby shower, as they both wanted something special for her and the baby.

The driver dropped them at one of the Most Posh Malls and Suhani began with the hunt of the Perfect Gift.

Bela, unlike the usual times getting bored, she instead indulged herself in the shopping therapy as well.
She wanted something special for the Baby & Drishti.

She moved to the Baby section and began to look for the Perfect gift, but instead she met with the same person whom she wanted to avoid.

In front of her was Dr. Avinash Batra!

And like a creep, he flashed his teeth and his eyes roamed around her figure, Bela mentally cursed heavily but before the pervert opened his mouth, thankfully, she Heard Drishti from behind -

Well Hello Bela!!!!
What an co-incidence!!!!
What are you doing Here in the Baby section?
Oh My!
Don't tell me, my brother already impregnated you!!! - Drishti almost jumped in excitement

Bela's throat became Dry just at the mention of such possibilities....her face turned pale and she was too baffled to give a reply. Whereas, Avinash clenched his jaw as if he wanted to kill someone.
Bela composed herself and smiled at Drishti and gave her a friendly side hug and replied - Calm Down Girl!

And I am here for your Baby!
What are you doing here?
Haven't you been suggested to take rest? - she added raising her eyebrow

Bela, now you only handle her!
I am tired of trying to make her rest but she keeps pestering me! - avinash butted in shamelessly

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