The Wedding Season Is On

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Dedicated to all Beautiful People who supported me in my struggles!
I am Back with another one!

Guys thousands of reads n all my previous votes have disappeared. I am so disappointed!
Kindly Write "me" In the comment section if you are liking the story so far!
It's going to be a motivation for me!

Now after so long, here is a chapter from Bela's pov. Let's see what she has to say.

Bela's pov

What is this man?
Why does he intimidate me so much?
Why would he affect me so much and worse, why does he remind me of the past that I so badly want to forget?

I feel so timid in front of him!

His presence scares me!

Yes, despite him being this rich and handsome, his presence scared me every time we met!
There is no doubt that the tabloids spoke so high of him. They actually pictured him as the Greek God of Business world, and those hypnotizing Hazel green eyes, spoke volume every time he owned his mouth!

Don't forget about his chiselled body and those perfect business sense of his, that he is the only zillionaire around! - my innerself voiced out

What the hell??
I should not be thinking about him!
But what to do, that man confused me... First he said no and now, why all of a sudden, he said yes to this marriage?

Did I miss something?
Di...did he find out ou...our secrets.....but it can not be....he seemed indifferent!

Anyone who finds out about those dark secrets would be far far away from us!

And he appreciated my Suhani!
Not that she doesn't deserve appreciation but hearing him say kind words for her, kind of assured me that she will be treated in a right way at their home.

And Avyan is there for her.!

So I had decided that I would say yes too now. It was a matter of love and I know ego has no place in Love!

So, I should not let my insecurities ruin their happiness!

My decision was certain now, I had to get my little baby sister get married you the live of his life.
Determined, I finished my shift at the hospital and soon reached home.

Suhani wasn't herself since the time we visited the Trehan mansion.
And right now also, She seemed sad.
The television was on but she looked lost.
I know I stopped her from calling Avyan by giving her my swear and she repected my words but it is high time I made my baby sister Happy!

I can not be selfish!

I sat beside her and she passed me a weak smile.

Su, Call Avyan! - I said

She jerked her head to my side in such a force that I winced.
W.. What... Why di??
I swear I did not break the promise! - she said panicked

Don't worry I won't scold him! - I replies and her face softened

I am sorry Su!
I got scared and so I acted like a chicken!
I should not have stopped you from talking to him!
I have known him enough to not trust him.
It's just that I got scared what if he denies to accept your pregnancy before marriage!
I was just trying to protect you!
But after talking to Mr. Trehan today, I felt you will be happy there!

So I am saying yes to your marriage! - I spoke holding her hands

And next thing, she engulfed me into a tight hug and I laughed. She said -
Thank you Thank you Thank you so much Di!

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