You Are Blind

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Hello people!

A Random question & thought -

What's happening in your lives???
Good news, Bad news - SHARE!!!

Last few weeks had me thinking about do we all have that one person with whom you can be your true self, with whom you can speak your hearts out....without any filters!

And the question is do we really have a person like that in out lives whom we can trust with our darkest feelings???

If yes, Then why is it that when we speak to such person, we still omit a few details?

Why are we not as clear as a glass???

Do you have that one person with whom you can be just yourself without any judgements?

Or, do you ever feel that you are still alone despite having a family, a friend, a boyfriend/girlfriend or even a husband/wife?


Just missing my Family back in India!!!

Now, let's get back to the chapter.

Avyan's pov

Life is so unpredictable! And nothing can ever be permanent! Be it Sadness or Happiness!

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Life is so unpredictable!
And nothing can ever be permanent!
Be it Sadness or Happiness!

Few weeks back I was so happy because things fell in place and I was finally getting married to my Love, my Suhani!

And on top of that I am going to become a Father!
When I first heard the news, I was speechless.
But I am feeling blessed now.!
And my love for Suhani has just doubled!

I can't help but dream about how I will finally have a complete family. In fact, the whole Trehan family will be complete with the arrival of our little miracle.

I was happy with the way my life was moving but at the same time I was worried for Nakul Bhai.
He was so engrossed in business and other stuff and looking after Drishti and me that he had forgotten to live for himself. I wanted Bhai to enjoy his life too, he is not getting any young and I wanted him to settle down for good. The image he has in the outer world is that of a heartless jerk who gives no shit to anyone, women are just his toys and so on....and that is why I wanted him to be married too but he always dodged the topic.

I know he had a hard time during his teenage!
He suffered and on top of that he had to take up all the responsibilities at an early age after dad left us.
He had to look after us as well as the business Dad left behind, I was still on my own but Drishti was a kid and bhai literally became a father figure for her.

And that's why the pampering. Bhai has always made sure that Drishti is happy and she gets what she wants. Sometimes I wonder, how can he be so gentle with her being a woman. The reputation he has on women is that of a heartless cold Beast.

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