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Hello guys!
Back with another chapter!
5k reads in such a short time, it's over whelming!
But I expect more and more participation guy!

Next time I will set a target for atleast 100  reads.!

Now, without much delay, let's start with the chapter!

Writer's pov

The Trehan Private Ltd stood tall and shiny on the street.

Bela felt a nervous twist in her stomach looking at the Glass building that screamed power and wealth.
She dared not come out of her cab and rubbed her palms on her fitted jeans, bela sighed as she knew she has to act brave for her Suhani.
She was doing this for her baby sister!
There are secrets you want to keep till your grave and then there are some we can not afford to let out as they have the power to destroy lives!
And Bela feared that if Nakul pulled strings, her deep dark horrific secret would be out!

And she couldn't let that Happen!

Her thoughts were interrupted when the driver announced that they have reached her destination. She let out breath gulping what ever saliva she felt was left and came out of the cab and walked towards the building.

Upon entering the Building, she felt so out of place, everywhere she looked, was so sophisticated and all back, blue and Grey!
Whereas, Bela, clad in a high waisted jeans and Checkered shirt looked too casual for the sauve Office.

She mentally cursed herself for being this casual. But getting too dressed up was never her thing.

Clutching her tote, she exhaled a breath and went straight to the petite girl, who was murmuring in her soft voice on a cordless.
Bela cleared her throat and asked - Miss, can I meet Mr. Trehan?
Is he available?

The girl politely gestured her to wait and Bela walked away to sit on one of the sofas. Bela took a magazine and began turning the pages, not that Business interested her but at this time, to distract herself, a business magazine looked far more interesting.
Suddenly, she felt a strong masculine whiff and she heard murmurs.
She frowned and looked up tilting her head but all she could see was a bunch of young employees running around nervously and when she followed their leader, all she could see was a silhouette of a tall man. She sighed and concentrated again on her magazine.

It had been half an hour and Bela felt useless, so went to the reception again and asked - Miss, Do you have any news for me?

The girl saw her and then spoke -
Sorry miss!
Boss was here, so I was preparing the staff.
Anyways, do you have an appointment with Boss, miss? - the girl asked

I believe so! It must be in the name of Bela! Thanks. - Bela replied trying really hard to sound all professional

The girl at the reception checked her monitor and then nodded her head in affirmation and said -

Sure ma'am this way please!
Sir, has approved of the meeting.!
You are Lucky today!

Bela frowned at her words.... What did she even mean about he had approved of the meeting.
Isn't it always like this, you make an appointment and you walk in!

But she shook her head, thinking may be Mr. trehan was usually not free.

She was led to the 40th floor by the receptionist and the moment she stepped out of the lift, she felt so small!
The bold neutral colors irked her, even though she was used to white walls of her Hospital.

Here you are miss Bela!
This is The Boss! - the receptionist replied pointing towards a door which has a golden nameplate indicating :

Nakul Mahendra Trehan, Owner - MD

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