Bad Beginnings

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Tears streamed down her face as she flung her body onto her bed. She threw her head back, staring at the luminescent stars taped to her ceiling. (Y/n) had created a starry sky to help her relax when things became troublesome. 

Closing her eyes, (Y/n) wiped away her tears, the taste of salty tears would do her no good. She sighed, feeling hurt and alone. A void was like a deep pit in her stomach, and crawling out of the hole seemed out of the question and not worth all the attempts. 

(Y/n) didn't like to cry, she never did. It made her feel worse and made the void grow bigger. Nonetheless, she couldn't exactly always refrain the tears. 

"I'll just distract myself," she whispered to herself. Grabbing her headphones and pressing play, a soothing beat washed over her. The (h/c) girl began to doodle, her hand leading the pencil mindlessly. 

The calmness was a distraction she was grateful for. But the girl knew she'd have to face her problems some day. 

"But not today." (Y/n) gave a small smile and let sleep wash over her. 


(Y/n) 's eyes opened, her body was unclothed and she ran down the halls of Yukigaoka, tears escaping her eyes. Her vision was blurred and students watched from the sides, laughing and jeering as she moved past. (Y/n) felt like she was running in almost slo-mo, her feet slapping the cold floor later than expected. 

The scene dissolved and her feet now were hitting soft grass and her heart dropped. She knew this place, it was the grass field she always played at with...him. 

(Y/n) saw him in the distance, his brown hair shining in the spring sun. His head swiveled around and (Y/n) cursed. 

"Why does he have to show up," she choked bitterly over her words. (Y/n) hung her head, wishing this scene would vanish completely from her mind. She didn't want to deal with the heartbreak once again.

Immediately, as by if her command, the scene switched to her kitchen, her mother screaming at (Y/n) as she ran through the events once more, her mothers' insults ringing in her ears.

"You can't do anything right! You sit around each day, doing nothing! The least you could do is study!"

"You're incapable of the basics, you'll never be successful. Do you want to be homeless?"

Her mothers words dripped like poison and it clung onto (Y/n) 's heart like a mosquito latched to her skin. It hurt, it really did. 

The petrified girl continued to run, her mother in the kitchen fading. A new cloaked figure began to chase her, (Y/n) desperately attempting to escape, with no avail as her legs did not carry her quickly. The cloaked figure was catching up, and (Y/n) turned to look as a hand outstretched to her face. Everything went black.


(Y/n) woke up in a cold sweat, the memories of her last dream paralyzing her body. She touched her face, drenched with her tears. 

Why did her dream show her those memories? She was thoroughly upset, she wanted to push those memories to the back of her head. And why did he...Loel, the thought of Loel, always occur abruptly. 

"Dammit!" She cried, her hand balling into a fist. (Y/n) desperately wanted to forget him, that was all six months ago. Yet, the lingering of his laughter still rung in her ears and (Y/n) hated it. Loel had done nothing but break her down and put her mentally in a spot worse than before. 

"Please....let me forget," the (h/c)girl pleaded softly, tears welling. She didn't want to cry again. Not over Loel. After all, today she would start school at Karasuno High in Miyagi Prefecture.

She wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon so (Y/n) decided to get up and prepare tea and breakfast. It was going to be a long day at her new school.

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