Ch 6: Head or Heart?

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April was wrapping to a close and the team was restless as their first practice match with Aoba Johsai was upcoming. 

(Y/n) giggled at their nervous texts to the groupchat and packed her lunch, apple sauce and apple slices. Pedaling her bike, she made her way to school in the cold winter air. 

She saw the familiar red head how was also on his bike and (Y/n) called him over. 

"Hi (Y/N)- chan," Hinata greets. 

"Ready for the practice match today?"

"Oh my god yes!" He squealed, jumping around on his bike seat. "I can't wait for my very first practice match in high school."

They exchange their conversation for a while until the air around them turns salty. 

"What's wrong with the air," Hinata questioned, his nose scrunching.

"Wait look,"(Y/N) points. "It's Tsukishima."

The blonde was walking to school, his headphones on and his facial expression was tired. 

"Tsukki~," Hinata sang out, both of them hopping off their bikes to catch up with the taller boy.

Tsukishima slid off his headphones and turned his head to the left, noticing (Y/n),his body stiffening. Then, he saw Hinata walking beside (Y/n), his expression immediately hardening. He straightened his posture and glued his eyes forward, ignoring the twinge of jealousy. 

"Sup, Grumpy!" (Y/n) said, holding up a peace sign. 

"Grumpy?" Hinata echoed in English.

"Grumpy: meaning an easily irritable person," (Y/n) informs in Japanese. "Some examples for that word are Tsukishima and Kageyama."

Hinata giggles. "You're so funny (Y/n)-chan."

"Children," Tsukishima insults under his breath.

"If I'm a child, you're Hisoka," (Y/n) says.



Tsukishima rolled his eyes, staying silent. 

"So, Tsukki," Hinata, who is deeply confused, breaks the silence. "Excited for the match today?"

"I guess."

"A man of words," (Y/n) said sarcastically. "So wise, teach me, Senpai!"

"You're annoying," Tsukishima muttered.

"That's not very cash money." (Y/n) frowns. 

"Cash money?" Hinata echoed.

"Cash money: meaning getting that bread and that head and leaving," (Y/n) recites.

"Hmm." Hinata's brows furrowed, trying to understand what (Y/n) told him. "I still don't understand, how do you get head and the bread?"

"Oh look!" (Y/n) said cheerfully. "We're at school!" 

"Finally." Tsukishima stalks the other way while leaving Hinata and (Y/n) to park their bikes. He did feel miserable leaving (Y/n) as he wanted to protect her at all times. But, around Hinata, he didn't feel good enough. His head said no although his heart yearned to say yes. Tsukishima, the ever so logical minded man, went with what his head told him. 


"Man, this class is boring," (Y/n ) said, clearly bored. She glances out the large window, watching the wind sweep the leaves. 

"If it's so boring, answer the question on the board," her teacher says, crossing her arms. 

"Easy claps," (Y/n) responds. She waltzes to the board, her classmates giggling. "So basically, you write the reciprocal, and plug in the formula...we add those up and that's our answer. I can even graph it for you because I'm feeling particularly nice today." (Y/n) presents her answer proudly.

"Good job." The teacher looks shocked, her mouth slightly agape. She solved it so quickly and that problem is too difficult for her to have solved it in such little time, this girl is very intelligent. Its a shame she's failing this class.

"As I said, easy claps!" (Y/n) exclaims, sitting down in her seat.

"No way (Y/n)-chan!" Hinata claps excitedly. "You're really smart!" 

"Of course, I'm getting that bread!"

Hinata whipped out a piece of paper scribbling letters furiously. 

"What's that?" (Y/n) leaned over.

The paper wrote: Getting "that bread" means to solve a math question quickly.

"Good, my young grasshopper!" 

Hinata beamed at the girl's comment.


The bell rang, signaling for designated study block. (Y/n) trudged to Classroom 5, meeting up with Tsukishima who had his arm leaned on the wall. 

"Took you long enough." He rolled his eyes. 

"Careful," (Y/n) said. "Or else your eyes will permanently be rolled into your sockets."

"Yeah, yeah." Tsukishima shakes his head.

"Singing challenge!"



"I can't believe I have to sit next to a nuisance like you for the next hour," Tsukishima groaned.

"You love me!" (Y/n) exclaims loudly as they enter the classroom, the students turning their heads. 

Embarrassed, Tsukishima looks down and shuffles to his seat. 

"I had to answer a question in math today." (Y/n) examines her nails like they're the most interesting thing on the planet. "And it's so easy but my teacher looks like a total idiot standing there with her mouth open. She stood like Shane."

"S-shane?" Tsukishima holds back his laughter. 

"Please use your designated study block time wisely." The instructor claps and the students begin discussing diligently. 

"You don't even need my help," says Tsukishima as he rolls his eyes. "You're more than capable of doing this work on your own." 

"Yeah, but then I don't get to hang out with you!" (Y/n) smiled. She felt stupid saying it, but the words came out as if on impulse. She hoped this comment would fly over his head. 

The boy felt his heart rate increase, unsure if he had heard her correctly. "I- you're still annoying." 

"And you're ugly." (Y/n) shrugs. She can finally breathe now and she lets her breath she'd been holding, out.

"You don't mean that." The salt shaker moves to wipe a fake tear. "I can't be seen crying in class!"

"You look like the toilet paper stuck to Hinata's shoe," (Y/n) replied. 

"You remind me of Pennywise."

"Lame." (Y/n) flips her hand, waving her hand. "You need better insults, I'm getting bored." 

"Hey, you're coming to the game right?" Tsukishima fumbles with the cords of his headphones.

"I mean..." the girl taps her chin. "I'll go since you're practically begging me."



They stare at their desks for a while, both of them still unsure about their feelings. Not that either of them would admit they had feelings. 

"I-I'm gonna do my math homework," (Y/n ) said nervously. She picks up her pencil and Tsukishima gets out a book.

"Is that hentai?" (Y/n) wonders loudly. Tsukishima slaps the book shut. 

"God (Y/n) shut up," he mutters, his cheeks red. 

"I'm not religious!" She smiles.

"She really is something else," Tsukishima thinks to himself.

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