Ch 3: You Again?

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(Y/n) was delighted to see how well Fuyuko and Hinata communicated and easily made friends. 

"We HAVE to go to their volleyball practice after school," Fuyuko squealed, tugging at (Y/n)'s uniform. "Maybe you can show them your volleyball skills!"

"What skills," (Y/n) laughed, brushing Fuyuko off. 

"(Y/n)," Fuyuko's voice dropped in volume. "Why's that weird looking guy with glasses glaring at you."

(Y/n) snapped her head, her eyes landing on the tall blonde earlier today. He immediately averted eye contact and went back to indulging in his vegetables.  

"He's been drooling for like the past minute," Fuyuko said. 

"Oh god, it's the guy I ran into this morning," (Y/n) blushed wildly. He was also in Classroom 4, he must be very intelligent...(Y/n) will admit she had a thing for smart boys. 

"Damn you, spill everything!" Fuyuko cried, almost knocking (Y/n)'s lunch off the desk.


The school day ended, leaving (Y/n) in a better mood than when she woke up, that's for sure. The (h/c) girl quickly met up with Fuyuko and they strolled to the boys' gymnasiums. 

Hinata and Kageyama were already there, both tossing and setting a volleyball in the air. 

The orange haired boy caught sight of (Y/n) and waved spontaneously, gesturing the girls to join. 

"Lets practice passing!"

Soon, a bald headed boy walked up, dangling the keys to the gym. He grinned at the four, each of them smiling back except for Kageyama, his face ever so stoic. 

"First-years from this morning! Hey!" The boy greeted. "Hello pretty ladies."

"These are our friends, (Y/n) and Fuyuko!" Hinata said proudly, puffing up his chest. "Tanaka, is it okay if they watch? Maybe even put in a spike here and there?"

Tanaka rubbed his chin. "I mean, that's up to Daichi. I don't mind at all." He winked at the both of the girls and Fuyuko melted on the floor. 

"Compose yourself!" (Y/n) scolded and the boys laughed. 

The volleyball group assembled one by one and they all greeted (Y/n) and Fuyuko kindly. Except, that stupid blonde was back again. 

Tsukishima gave (Y/n) a cold stare and scoffed. "You again?"

"Looks like I have a stalker," (y/n) crossed her arms. The look of surprise on Tsukishima's face was pure gold. 

"Me? A stalker? I think I have an admirer," he shot back. 

"As if anyone would admire that atrocious hairline," (Y/n) burst out. She paused, not sure if she went too far, but the smirk on Tsukishima's face intrigued her. 

"Aren't you full of attitude," he laughed mockingly. 

Fuyuko laughed, the tension in the air becoming light again. She had that sort of effect. "Okay (Y/n) stop flirting with the tall boy, lets watch Hinata and Kageyama."

"F-flirting? It was nothing of the sort!" The girl protested to which Fuyuko and Tanaka snickered. They were ushered to the court and met a beautiful third year, Shimizu Kiyoko. Fuyuko had mistaken Kageyama and her to be related, only to be given daggers of ice from Kageyama.

The boys had a practice match on Saturday to demonstrate their abilities, so to prep, they were busy with drills. 

It wasn't much of interest to the girls and they mostly became familiar with Kiyoko during the practice. But towards the end, the team practiced spikes which Kageyama and Sugawara tossed to them. 

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