Chapter 10: Study Session

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The next day when Elaina returned Tsukishima's coat, he took it and exchanged a hoodie. He told her to keep his hoodie until the weekend or longer if she wanted. Tsukishima sort of wanted her to remember him but also wanted Elaina to stay warm in the cold Miyagi air.

On the other hand, Elaina secretly fangirled over him handing her his hoodie. It smelt good, the ever so comforting smell of strawberry and light cologne.

After sleepless nights of finishing homework while humming and dancing in Tsukki's hoodie, the weekend rolled around, leaving Elaina in a good mood.

She had written her address on a piece of paper for Tsukishima to keep. He arrived at nine in the morning- they had wanted to cram as much time as they could for studying.

"Welcome to the crib," Elaina greets the boy as he walks in. He sets his bag down and to his delight, she is wearing his hoodie. That she looks really good in. "What's popping?"

"We've got no time to waste." The blonde claps. The girl nods and decides to bring her papers into the living room, not wanting to work in her own room. The volume on the bus would be astronomical.

The two set off to work and Tsukishima noticed how concentrated Elaina became while working. She looked awfully cute, her hair up, in his hoodie, and working hard.

"The fuck?" Elaina's voice cuts through his thoughts. "Stop staring at me like a creep." Tsukishima now realizes he'd been staring at her for who know how long.

"You've got a fat booger on your face, that's why," he responds. He puts his focus on her math problems, the questions a bit more complex than what he expected.

"Wipe your mouth, you're drooling like a puppy who sees steak," Elaina rolls her eyes. She knows perfectly well she doesn't have a booger, she had checked her complexion probably six times before he arrived, making sure her bun had the perfect "messy" look.

"Dude," Elaina says suddenly. Tsukishima looks up and her eyes are shining like she's got an idea. "We should race each other. Whoever finishes the most problems in the next hour wins."

"What's the reward?" Tsukishima almost hopes she would say something along the lines of, "goes on a date with the other".

Elaina shrugs. She wants to say something risky, but she's not sure if he feels the same way. Better to play it safe.

"The reward is the loser buys food for the winner."

Tsukishima raised his brows. "Food? So if I win, I can ask for a full-course meal?"

"Sure, anything," Elaina says. "But you're not winning anyways. I'll ask for apple pie, apple sauce, apple cider and baklava to top it all off."

"Let me guess, your favorite fruit is watermelon," Tsukishima joked.

"No, it's grapes! Get it right!" Elaina exclaims. "So, is it a deal?"

"Sure, free meal sounds good."

"Okay, ready...and start!"

They both soared through the homework, Elaina taking sips from her water bottle every now and then. Tsukishima had decided to put on music and was forced by Elaina to play Doja Cat.

An hour was up and it was now a quarter to noon. "Aaaand pencils down!" Elaina says triumphantly. She's positive she won, she went through the problems smoothly, smoother than Oikawa's flirting.

"How many questions?" She waited for Tsukishima to finish counting.

"Seventy three." He looks up at her and her mouth falls open. The blonde smirks and adjusts his glasses. "I'm taking it that I won?"

"I did fifty four." Elaina slumps, leaning back on the couch. "Dammit."

"Looks like you owe me strawberry shortcake and an oreo milkshake," Tsukishima says smugly.

"Fuck you, you over ripe Brachiosaurus."

"Aw, did the forgotten eighth dwarf say something to me?" The boy cupped his hand behind his ear. "Couldn't quite catch that."

"Let's just go to the café," Elaina rolls her eyes and slips on her purple Wheelies.

"What are thooose," Tsukishima says, pointing at her shoes.

"These are my legendary Wheelies, you should bow before their presence," the girl replies gallantly. 

"Those shoes are for children."

"Then why do they have them in women's size seven and a half?"

"You're really weird."

"Thank you!" Elaina smiles pleasantly. "You're lucky I didn't pull out my rainbow crocs."

"Wow, I am soooo scared," Tsukishima says using his mono-tone voice.

Elaina walks out the door, the content blonde following suit. She pops her heel and rolls on the cement. "Race you to the café!"


Elaina watches Tsukishima's serious expression go to overjoyed as the waitress set down his strawberry shortcake. It made her laugh, it was like watching a toddler. He dove into the cake, inhaling the slice quickly. He finished, more than satisfied. He sipped his oreo milkshake and popped the strawberry into his mouth.

"Guess someone was hungry," Elaina comments and Tsukishima looks up as if he just remembered she was still there.

"Would you like some of my milkshake?" He gestures to his glass and the girl reluctantly says yes.

"If I get mono, I swear I'm killing you," she warns. She takes a sip and slides it back.

"That sounds frightening," Tsukishima mutters.

Elaina doesn't have the chance to respond, her attention is immediately transferred to the boy walking in the café.

The undeniable chestnut shade of hair makes Elaina's heart stop. The boy walks up the register, hands jammed into his sweatpants.

"No fucking way," Elaina whispers. Fuck, fuck, fuck! What is Loel doing here in Karasuno?

"What's going on?" Tsukishima questions. Elaina's face has suddenly gone pale and her brows are knitted.

Elaina puts her hood on and looks down. Her heart is racing and unwanted emotion flow through her body just like in the past. This wasn't good.

"Elaina, can you please tell me what's going on?" Tsukishima asks again.

"It's the total dickwad from my junior high," she responds in a low voice. "Can we please leave?"

"Yeah, I'll pay." Tsukishima signals for the check. He understands the girl is clearly uncomfortable.

Loel walks by Elaina's table, a rush of cold air hits her body and she shivers. Damn he looks good, he's wearing a collared shirt underneath his brown sweater and his ears bear gold hoop earrings.

She almost sure she stops breathing and her whole body is tense. She's sure he passed by and she let her breath out shakily.

"Elaina?" Loel's voice says.


this is getting spicy ;0


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