Chapter 9: Cherry and Vanilla

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"You seem a little on edge," Tsukishima noticed during study block. Elaina's eyes darted around, frankly, she did not want to get beat up.

"Yeah, I need to do a line in the bathroom," Elaina joked.

Tsukishima shook his head. "You're fucking weird."

"Actually, I was threatened to get beat up, no biggie." Elaina's eyes were glued to her paper, but could see Tsukishima stiffen.


"They only like Lil Pump, insulted Hinata, and wanted to hook up with you," Elaina listed off to the boy. Tsukishima cringed at the last item. "And worst of all, they acted like British wannabes!" 

"Not Lil Pump!" Tsukishima cried. They laughed and Elaina felt relieved. Although she shook off their threat, it still bothered her the girls thought about beating her up in the first place.

"You're coming to practice with me anyways," the blonde continued. "I'll protect you."

Elaina's heart jumped a bit, she liked how Tsukishima was protective...

"I've got to study though," Elaina replied, making Tsukishima's eyebrows raise. 

"You? Study?" He snorted and she socked his arm. 

"Oh fuck you," the irritated girl says. "I have to bring up my math grade in a week or else I'm getting disowned."

"Holy shit." The boy stopped laughing, searching Elaina's eyes for a trace of humor. "On god?"

"On god." Elaina nodded. She sighed, scratching her head. "My mom's a bitch."

"Well, what do you need to do in order to raise your grade?"

"I can finish my missing assignments," Elaina groans. "That's four weeks of homework."

"And who's fault is that," Tsukishima reminds her. 

The girl snapped her head towards Tsukishima, grabbing his coat. "Please, Kei, I can't do this alone."

Tsukishima's cheeks turned pink at the mention of his first name. It sounded so good when she said it... He shook his head, swatting away the thought. 

"Uh, I hope you aren't asking me to do it for you." He looks down into her pleading eyes. It makes him feel superior, dominant even. 

"I'll do some this week," Elaina assures. "But it would be ever so helpful if you helped over the weekend." She leans closer, Tsukishima's heart racing even quicker. She smelled good, the cherry scent of her shampoo and her vanilla perfume was alluring. If she didn't stop, who knows what he would do to her. 

"Fine! I'll help you!" He gives in and Elaina releases him respectively. She smiles cheerfully.

"You a real one g!" 

"Whatever," Tsukishima mutters. But he kept replaying what had just happened over and over in his head like a broken record, her scent lingering on his coat. He was excited for the weekend.


Despite Elaina's demands on heading home, Tsukishima had ordered her to stick by his side. 

"I'll have to get you handcuffs," he grumbled, grabbing Elaina's arm while dragging her to the gym.

"Kinky!" She laughs.

Fuyuko hadn't come to watch the boys practice, leaving Elaina and Kiyoko alone together. Elaina took out last week's math packet and began to scribble furiously. Flying by each question, she finished one page in ten minutes. Elaina hated homework, it made her feel stupid, why waste time on problems she already knew how to solve? Even Classroom 5's work was a piece of cake to her, so even moving up to the highest class would leave her bored and uninterested. 

She'd been indulged in her work for over an hour, diligently working until a hand was on her shoulder, signaling that practice was over. Elaina stood up, straightening her skirt and ran over to meet Tsukishima and Yamaguchi whom she was walking back with. 

"Bye (Elaina!)" The boys chirped, waving at the girl. 

"See ya, losers!"

"How much did you get done?" Tsukishima asked. 

"I'm halfway done with the packet." Elaina walks her bike. 

"Easy claps right?" Tsukishima says and Elaina's heart swells.

"Easy claps!" She nods. 

Yamaguchi stares at the two, not really understanding. 

"Say, Yams," Elaina addresses the tall black-haired boy. "You think Roblox girls are hot?"

"Huh?" Yamaguchi's eyes widen and he becomes flustered. "What no!" 

"Boring!" Elaina says, putting an accent on the o. "Tsukishima tells me he dreams about them every night."

"It's true!" Tsukishima holds his hands in the air in defeat. "I cannot hide my secret any longer!"

They both laugh. Yamaguchi stares incredulously at the pair. He would describe them as two peas in a pod. 

Yamaguchi split ways with the two and waved goodbye. 

"Goodbye, my fellow bottom!" Elaina blew a faux kiss. 

Tsukishima's nerves tensed as soon as Yamaguchi left. It was just Elaina and him, and he was nervous. Why? She was just a friend. Then why was he so damn excited to hang out with her over the weekend?

Elaina poked the boy. "Boney."

"I prefer the term, slender." The blonde rolled his eyes. 

"You still remind me of slenderman except bleached white."

"You radiate insecurity," Tsukishima shot back. Elaina's eyes bulged. She didn't expect him to go that far. Was she insecure? Yes. After the whole situation with Loel... he really fucked up her mental state. 

"I didn't mean that," Tsukishima added hurriedly after noticing her stressed expression. Although usually observant, he couldn't quite interpret her expression. It was twisted with pain as if he had unlocked a deep memory. It was never his intent to inflict pain on the girl and he realized he had crossed a boundary. 

"No, it's fine." Elaina had pushed Loel to the back of her head. "I'll catch you later tomorrow."

No insult? Tsukishima must've really struck a nerve. He thought it best not to press her so he stayed silent. The latter rounded the block and she hopped on her bike. 

"Text me when you're home." Tsukishima waved.

Elaina shook her head to the boy's surprise. "Can't. My mom took away my phone."

Ah, so that was why she hadn't brought out her phone to showcase her Thanos shrine for the tenth time that week. 

Tsukishima nodded. "I understand. Would you like me to walk you home?"

"I'm good," she replies. Elaina keeps her head down, not really wanting to face Tsukishima at the moment.

"Here." Tsukishima unzips his coat, draping it over Elaina. He wasn't sure why he suddenly feel the urge to give his coat to her. Maybe it was because she looked so small, her usual confident aura gone. 

"Thanks," Elaina whispers. She hugs the coat tightly around her body and begins to pedal away from Tsukishima's tall figure.


wholesome-ish chapter for you Tsukki simps :D 

this story needs a plot twist~..... ;)))

stay tuned! 

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