Ch 2 :Hopeful Distraction

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(Y/n) biked to school, the thirty minute walk turning into a peaceful nine minute bike ride. She had tried to cover up her red puffy eyes with concealer and had iced them constantly beforehand. However, it had little to no effect on her appearance. (Y/n) shrugged it off, her peers probably wouldn't even notice.

The girl wasn't exactly excited to start the new school year. She barely knew anyone, just Fuyuko, the green-ish haired girl with a bright smile. Fuyuko was (Y/n)'s close friend as she had been there for her since Yukigaoka Junior High. Her mother often said that Fuyuko and (Y/n)'s personality were similar. The remark always made the two giggle, both knowing it was far from the truth. 

(Y/n) arrived, the building looking quite intimidating, she parked her bike at the front with the others. 

Students chattered lively at the front yard and near the gym. (Y/n) fished her phone from her bag, sending a text over to Fuyuko, who wasn't exactly punctual. 

Still enveloped in her phone, (Y/n) was not aware of her surroundings. She bumped into a boy who was speaking to a classmate. 

"Hey watch it," the male said threateningly. 

"So cold Tsukishima," his friend said quietly. 

The girl looked up, silently cursing in her head. The boy bore golden eyes and golden locks and glasses framed his thin face perfectly. The other had nicely combed hair and his face was adorned with freckles. They both towered over her, (Y/n) felt intimidated and cornered. 

"Tch," the blonde scoffed. "This generation...always on their phones." 

"Sorry," (Y/n) smiled cheekily, pressing her phone to her chest. The boy was cute, as was his friend, but she would never admit it out loud. She nodded curtly at the two boys without making eye contact. 

"What a douche," she muttered to herself, her comment only making its way to Tsukishima's ears. 

"Oi!" He called. "I heard that!" 

(Y/n) gave a small jump and speed walked to the bathroom, hoping to camp out there before Fuyuko arrived. 


The bell rang and there was still no sight of Fuyuko and (Y/n) gave an exasperated sigh. Trudging to Classroom 1, she plopped in a chair near the back window. Unfortunately, Fuyuko was much more advanced than (Y/n) academically and was in Classroom 4. 

The teacher babbled on about the new school year which (Y/n) could care less about. What did catch her attention was when Sensei explained failing grades.

"In Karasuno, we do not accept failing grades and maintaining good scores are important," he explained, waving his arms. "If you are in danger of failing, you will be sent to an additional study block and an assigned student from Classrooms 4 and 5 will aid you."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, and she pumped her fist. "Score! That could mean more time with Fuyuko." She thought inwardly. 

"Now, I will be handing out a worksheet to get to know your partner next to you." Sensei called, distributing papers across the room. 

The girl felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to face a boy with orange tousled hair and a bright smile, somewhat like Fuyuko's. 

"Guess we're partners," he beamed. "My name is Hinata Shoyo!"

"Mine is (Y/n)," she said back, wondering how long the boy could smile for. 

"Anyways, I like volleyball and rice buns," the orange haired boy continued. "I also have a younger sister, she's basically a mini me! Oh and, I am exactly 160 cm, don't make fun of me, but I grew 4 cm over vacation!"

(Y/n) tried to keep up with what Hinata was saying, but his words were incessant. 

"You know those scary volleyball guys of Kitagawa High? They totally crushed us last year, but I am SO gonna work hard this year! Anyways, I met Kageyama, this super mean boy who thinks he's so tough." 

Hinata flattened his hair into three parts, mocking this "Kageyama" boy (Y/n) presumed. 

(Y/n) giggled and Hinata's smile grew even bigger (Y/n still didn't understand how that wide of a smile could get any bigger). "You know what (Y/n), I like you! Let's eat lunch together with Kageyama."

The girl sat, partially stunned someone actually liked her. All her life, boys and girls alike didn't talk to her at all and it honestly felt good to be appreciated, if only just slightly. 

"Y-yeah sure!" (Y/n) blushed, and the tangerine boy gave her a thumbs up. 

"You should totally come watch me and Kageyama at volleyball practice afterschool," he added.

(Y/n) twiddled her thumbs, slightly worried about her mother's strict attitude of the idea of hanging out with friends after school. "Wouldn't I be intruding?"

"Nah! Not at all!" Hinata brushed dust from his collar. "The guys are super chill anyways, they'll let a pretty girl like you to watch!"

"Me? Pretty?" (Y/n) let a genuine smile play across her lips. 

"Alright!" She agreed and Hinata jumped up and down on his seat ecstatically. 


Lunch break arrived much sooner than usual, all thanks to Hinata's constant entertainment. With him around, the conversation never seemed to be dull. 

Hinata grabbed her hand and with their lunches in hand, they walked to Classroom 4. (Y/n) first caught sight of Fuyuko who smiled and waved. Letting go of Shoyo's hand, she rushed to Fuyuko, embracing her in a tight hug. 

What (Y/n) didn't realize was that the all so familiar blonde had watched her come in. He frowned upon seeing her holding hands with the orange- haired boy whom he was certain was on his volleyball team. 

Unsure of why Tsukishima felt that way, perhaps it was because he was hoping she were single? Or maybe the idea of a couple seemed repulsive to him? He figured it was the first but insisted upon the second. 

"Tch," he clicked his tongue. Leaning over to his friend, Yamaguchi, he said, "Look at the two losers holding hands."

"Hm?" Yamaguchi raised his head. He looked at (Y/n) who now was being introduced to the stern-faced black-haired boy Kageyama. "Oh! The pretty girl from earlier?"

"She's not pretty," Tsukishima said, only to catch himself. He didn't mean that, (Y/n) was beautiful in fact, but he didn't want to judge by her appearances. 

"I think she's real pretty," Yamaguchi smiled. "But it sounds like you're jealous Tsukki?"'

"God no, why would I be?" Tsukishima narrowed his brows, suppressing a laugh. How silly of Yams to think he, Tsukishima Kei, were jealous. 

"Whatever dude," Yamaguchi shrugged and chewed his beef. 

Tsukishima gazed at (Y/n) sitting happily and smiling at Hinata, who was waving his arms around like a mad man, probably explaining a story. 

She definitely intrigued Tsukishima Kei and he wanted to get to know her more. 

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