Ch 7: Jealous...? No!

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Study hall ended, disappointment racking (Y/n)'s heart. But she could still be close to Tsukishima's juxtaposition at the game. She was quite excited to say the least, the team had grown strong and the bonds between the players were profoundly close. 

"Come on." Tsukishima waits at the door as (Y/n) packs her papers, stuffing them messily into her bag.

"You can't be bossing me around," (Y/n) says. 

"Those short legs of yours can't keep up." He snickers. 

"Don't tempt me, because I'll dice you," (Y/n) threatens She's actually average height, Tsukishima just views her as short. "Don't speak to me when you look like a titan."

"Oh, how insulting, a titan!" He laughs at her remark. 

"Yes, namely, the cart titan."

"You did not-." Tsukishima's brows raise. "I'll beat you."

"Oh I don't think you would," the (h/c) girl replies simply. 

"I will. Right now."

"On god?" 

"I'm not religious," Tsukishima mimics. 

"Well done my apprentice!" (Y/n) claps and smiled grandly. "Ah, we've arrived, my young fledgling."

The volleyball team is gathered inside, Coach Ukai spitting out praises and motivation. Hinata  jumps around like a mad man, his orange hair following the same motion.

"How does he have so much energy," Tsukishima groaned. "What an idiot."

"Alright team, move out!" Coach Takeda says, the team getting more fired up. 

They board the bus and the jitters on the ride to Aoba Johsai are prominent. (Y/n) sits with Fuyuko, claiming the window seat. 

"Ooh, I can't wait to watch!" Fuyuko squeals. "Especially Tanaka."

"Tanaka?"(Y/n) echoes a bit loudly. Sugawara and Daichi who are sitting next to them look over. 

"Shh!" Fuyuko claps the other girl's mouth. "If I tell you, you promise to not say anything?"

"I swear on peppa pig's life." (Y/n) solemnly nods, holding up her hand regally.

"Alright," Fuyuko sighs, running her hand through her dark hair. "Well I sorta, kinda, really like Tanaka."

"Juicy!" (Y/n) squealed. "Juicer than my ass!"

"My god, (Y/n), keep it down," Fuyuko cries in a hushed whisper. Her eyes are frantic, afraid someone would overhear. 

"Right sorry." The (h/c) girl lowers her voice. "I'll be your wing woman."

"That would be nice," the dark haired girl sighs. "Unfortunately, doesn't he have a thing for Kiyoko?" 

"Yeah, but she doesn't even pay attention to him," (Y/n) reassures her friend. "You have a chance and plus, no one can resist that phat ass!"

"You're amazing!" Fuyuko cried, pulling (Y/n) for a hug. 


The Aoba Johsai gym was much bigger than Karasuno's and the whole place seemed much more livelier and sharp, intimidating the boys.

"Oh no, I think I'm gonna puke," Hinata said, looking sick to his stomach. 

Kageyama claps his back with so much force that the small boy stumbles forward. "Hinata stop whining like a wimp."

"H-hey." (Y/n) sees Fuyuko slide up to Tanaka. "Good luck on the practice match! You'll do great!" Fuyuko smiles and Tanaka blushes. 

"A-ah thanks!"

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