Chapter 11: Conflict

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"(Y/n)?" Loel's voice says.

Getting kidnapped right now was looking real appealing. The girl raised her head slowly, her (e/c) eyes meeting Loel's dreamy chocolate ones. God, this shit bag was hot.

"U-uh hi Loel!" She coughs out. Her voice became strained and she felt her palms grow sweaty.

"Didn't think I'd be seeing you here," Loel laughs. His laugh hasn't changed at all since junior high. The laugh that rung throughout (Y/n)'s ears daily. She had missed it, but now that he was back, the laugh did not seem as inviting as before.

"Same to you!" (Y/n) musters in the most normal voice. She puts her hair behind her ear and gulps. "Uh I was just leaving, bye."

(Y/n) wanted to make the encounter a short one, she grabbed her bag and stood up promptly. Tsukishima watched, (Y/n)'s laidback manner replaced by fear? Feelings? He set the money down and walked out with (Y/n).

"Hey (Y/n)," Loel called out. The girl turns to the boy she used to love and he smiled. "You look as good as the day I met you."

(Y/n) wasn't sure if she should be flustered or frustrated with his comment. She raises her hand over her shoulder. "Later."

The second, Loel is out of her sight, (Y/n) sprints and pops her heel and skates down the block.

"H-hey!" Tsukishima says, jogging to catch up. "Care to explain because I am in confusion."

"This is no time for vines!" (Y/n) cries exasperatedly. "That was my drug dealer."

Tsukishima rolled his eyes. "Tell me the truth."

"Can't." (Y/n) shrugs, masking her trauma with a nonchalant motion. "I'm gonna get PTSD."

"Oh," Tsukishima responds simply. Was that an old friend of hers, perhaps? The compliment didn't mean he was some sort of lover right?

"I just can't speak about it, I'm just not ready." (Y/n) yearned to tell Tsukishima about Loel, but what if it scared off Tsukishima from loving her? What if he judged her? She had trust issues, all thanks to Loel. The wall that the blonde had broken down was rebuilding itself. "I'm sorry."

The boy stayed silent on the way back to (Y/n)'s house. The girl felt horrible, leaving him in the dark like that, but she just wasn't ready to talk about it.

At (Y/n)'s house they busied themselves with math questions but (Y/n) had trouble focusing, the unexpected incident with Loel was integrated in her mind. Her eyes flitted over to Tsukishima, the boy scrunching his brows , eyes glued to his paper, not daring to look up.

Taking breaks now and then, they worked throughout the afternoon. (Y/n)'s mother was supposed to be coming home around five pm and who knows what she would do if she saw a boy alone with (Y/n).

The silence was deafening and (Y/n) wasn't sure how much longer she could take it. "Tsukki? Are you tired?"

"A little bit." Is all the blonde says back.

How irritating! Is he mad?

"I'm not upset," Tsukishima adds, causing (Y/n) to jump.

"Are you a mind reader?" (Y/n) asks and Tsukishima assumes she's joking.

"What the fuck?"

(Y/n) stares into his golden eyes. She could drown in them if she was being honest. I like you and I wish I had my phone, I miss my Thanos shrine.

"Why are you staring at me like that," Tsukishima says. "You look like a toad". (Y/n) wiped her forehead.

"Whew! I thought you could actually read my mind."

"I'm not Saiki K."

"Please!" She exclaims and starts snorting. It felt good to laugh, the tight tension in the air had been suffocating.

"Hey, it's almost four-thirty," she says suddenly, checking the clock. "You should go."

Tsukishima frowned and (Y/n) almost thought for a second he was disappointed? "Yeah, see you tomorrow? We'll finish everything in time for Tuesday, don't sweat it."

(Y/n) walked him the door and said goodbye. She didn't want him to leave despite the fact her mother would be home soon. Maybe she could tell him how she felt? That would be a start.

"Kei." The girl grabbed his arm as he was leaving. The boy looked down at her hand and back up to (Y/n)'s nervous expression. "I-uh wanted to say that I really-."

"You what?" Tsukishima's expression perked up. (Y/n) wasn't sure what that meant.

"Ireallylikeyou." (Y/n) blurts quickly. Fuck. "I mean- I don't have a clue."

"A clue to what?" Its almost as if Tsukishima has that disappointed frown on his face again, or maybe (Y/n) is hallucinating.

"A clue about....where to start," she rambles, saying whatever that came to her mind. "Like about the situation that happened earlier today."

"Oh." Tsukishima's expression softens. "It's cool if you don't wanna talk about it."

"I-I trust you Kei," (Y/n) admits, finally letting go of Tsukishima's arm, she'd been gripping it tightly. "And I think it's better to talk about what's been bothering me."

Tsukishima nods, and the girl continues. "Thank you. For helping me today, I mean. You really are a fatttt softie. I'm probably gonna start calling you Asahi now."

"Geez you're the worst," Tsukishima groans. "I'm only helping because you're cute."

Holy shit, did those words really come out of his mouth? (Y/n) would've probably fallen over if it weren't for the front door propping her up.

"You think I'm cute!" A smile sat on her face and Tsukishima did his best to cover his embarrassment, but it wasn't working.

"I said you're a brute," He insisted.

"Oh my god, I'm marking this day on my calender!" (Y/n) sings. "I was beginning to think you were asexual!"

"Shut up."

"Now on you go!" (y/n) pushes Tsukishima foward. "Bye bye my pasty pet giraffe."

(Y/n) could feel the boy rolling his eyes. He turned around to wave and she held up a piece sign.

"Stay swag or forever be cursed with Jojo Siwa's hairline!" She calls.

Tsukishima laughs to himself, shaking his head. He can't believe he actually said that out loud to her. She'll never shut up about it. But the way her eyes lit up after he had complimented her, damn she was so pretty. She'd always have a sparkle in her eye whenever she talked about something she was passionate about or when someone complimented her.

She's really cute.

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