Ch 13: Simpleton

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Shit, shit, shit!

(Y/n) grabbed her school shoes grabbing a Gogo Squeeze on the way out. She was ten minutes late for school, she had been daydreaming about her blonde, not able to fall asleep.

The bags under her eyes were prominent, dark and brooding. But she felt energized, nevertheless, she wanted to see Tsukishima's stupid face.

She biked through the cool spring air, the weather warming up progressively. Hinata had probably met up with Tsukishima without her, she was on her own, but she didn't mind.

Reaching the school, she raced to her class and bowed to Sensei as she walked in. He nodded, acknowledging her arrival. The girl's eyes suddenly landing on the all familiar pair of dreamy brown eyes. Loel's eyes. Panic seared throughout her body, her legs shaking.

"This can't get any worse! First he shows up in Karasuno, next he goes to my school? "(Y/n) thought.

Loel grinned at her, noticing the tardy girl. She grimaced and took her seat quickly, ignoring the growing anxiety brimming.

Thankfully, Loel was seated to the right of the classroom.

"Psttt." Hinata grabs the girl's attention. "Why were you late?"

"Overslept," (Y/n) whispered. Hinata nodded in sympathy. But (Y/n) couldn't help but notice a prickling feeling nagging at her side. Loel was burning his eyes over her figure, scanning every little detail and shivers rode the (h/c) girl's spine.

She didn't want to make a big deal out of it, it was probably his intention to make her nervous and uncomfortable. Masking her discomfort, she tried to converse with Hinata, mustering the biggest smile she could when he spoke to her.

The painstakingly cold glare subsided and could finally relax.

"We're changing seats!" Sensei announced. "Raizo next to Sendo, mmm, Yukuto next to Hinata, (Y/n) next to Loel...,"

Damn! Maybe not.

"God this is cliché." (Y/n) gritted her teeth. Sensei went on but her mind wasn't paying attention to that or Hinata's hushed comments of worry or the class's groans or the occasional gasp. Her ear began to ring, the shrill sound clogging her mind. She shut her eyes, hoping it would fade.


(Y/n) dreaded looking up, knowing she'd meet those brown eyes so she kept her head down. Loel took Hinata's old seat and she dearly missed her tangerine.

"That's so wack that we're desk buddies," Loel laughs. His futile attempt to create a conversation was turned down by (Y/n) who did not return the laugh.

Desk buddies? Who the hell says that-? What a shit eating asshole.

Loel scratches the back of his head staring at the uninterested girl who used to fawn over him. She was now gorgeous and his eyes scanned her body.

"Stop looking at me like that." (Y/n)'s sharp voice cuts through his fantasies. "You're a fucking creep."

"Shit (Y/n)." Loel raises his hands in innocence. "We even haven't talked for eight months. I just want to know how you're doing."

"I'm great thanks," (Y/n) spat. She didn't want to deal with this sorry excuse of a man. She was also debating whether to be nicer to him so could possibly fuck off but she decided acting uninterested and cross would cause him to stop pestering her.

The girl was wrong however, this behavior intrigued Loel even more. He knew exactly what he'd done to her. His intentions of friendly talk weren't out of malice but was more of a genuine curiosity. She had changed so much.

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