Ch 12: The Truth Comes Out

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"Welcome to my humble abode!" Elaina cries as Tsukishima walks in the next day. He's wearing a dino t-shirt over a white hoodie and denim pants.

"Morning," the boy yawns.

"You look like shit," Elaina exclaims.

"Nice one, Sherlock." Tsukishima rolls his eyes. "You got any cereal? I'm starving."

"My diet is strictly anything apples and dino nuggies," she shrugs. "I guess you can check the cabinet."

"Okay, challenge time," Tsukishima says while eating a banana.

"Singing challenge? Yeah yeah?"

"No, math challenge."

Elaina slumps on the couch, pretending to look disappointed. "Well, go on."

"Whoever finishes their pile of work wins. Winner gets to ask the loser any question they want and they have to answer it honestly." He motions to the lump of homework separated equally into two stacks.

"Any question?" Elaina says uneasily.


A grin spreads on Elaina's face. She knows exactly what she wants to ask Tsukishima Kei.

"You're on."

The two begin whiz through questions, Elaina was motivated by a considerable amount. She also wondered what Tsukishima would ask if he won. IF, of course, because Tsukishima wasn't going to win, not this time.

Lunchtime rolled around, their stack almost empty. Two more problems for Elaina. She didn't even check Tsukishima's pile, she couldn't get distracted.

"I'm done!" Elaina cried triumphantly, slamming down her pencil. God, her brain felt fried. Two and a half hours of non stop concentration was draining.

Tsukishima lets out a low grunt of defeat. He's still finishing up his last page, apparently stuck graphing a hard equation.

"Yuh!" Elaina says, Ariana Grande style. She sashays to the kitchen, gulping down water and stuffing her face with cheese-its.

Elaina reaches for Tsukishima's phone, prompting him for the password.

"Why?" He says, not looking up from his paper. "It's 1115."

"What a coincident, your jersey number and my favorite number!" Elaina muses and punches in the passcode. She turns the volume up and his phone begins to blast Megan Thee Stallion.

"What the fuck is this shit?" Tsukishima yells over the music.

"It's Megan dude!" Elaina replies. "It's my celebration song for winning!"

"What are you on?"

"Steroids, what about you?"

"You're actually a nitwit, a clown!" Tsukishima shakes his head. "This song is really weird."

"If I'm a clown, you're the damn circus!" She replies.

"Tch, what an immature brat," Tsukishima mumbles.

"Want me to show you the dance?" Elaina cries. She puts her hands on her knees.

"No, please don't twerk!" The boy cries. "I'm too young to die!"

"You're the worst!" Elaina says exasperatedly. The song comes to an end and Elaina frowns. "Time for some Kali Uchis!"

Another song begins to blast throughout the house leaving an overjoyed Elaina and an irritated Tsukishima.

"I'm done, will you stop playing the music so loud?" Tsukishima yells.

"'Kay!" The music paused and Tsukishima finally regains his hearing and a few braincells.

Mine! (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now