Ch 5: All She Needs Is-?

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"Y'all stank oh my god." (Y/n) furrowed her brow. "Let go of me, sewer rats."

"She's feral," a boy with spiky black hair said and the three laughed. 

(Y/n) felt sick, her head spun and her wrists burned from the boy's tight grip. She raised her leg and landed it right on the black haired boy's nuts. 

He yowled in pain, and the two boys let go of her to check on their friend. (Y/n) took her chance and ran, running back to Classroom 5, tears welling in her eyes.

She bumped into a familiar figure and she looked up, Tsukishima's face laced with disapproval. But he recognized her tears and his expression immediately softened. 

"You okay (Y/n)?" He asked, gently waiting patiently for (Y/n) to catch her breath.

"No!" (Y/n) cried, pressing herself into Tsukishima's chest. He felt so safe, so comforting. The light smell of his cologne cleared her senses. "I don't feel good at all."

Tsukishima wasn't the affectionate type but he pet her head awkwardly, not quite sure how to calm the crying girl down. They stayed in this position for less than a minute, (Y/n) suddenly feeling embarrassed.

(Y/n) sniffled, hiccupping. She wiped her tears and pulled away from Tsukishima's warm body. She heard his heart ferociously beating, thinking it was adorable. "Some guys harassed me on the way back." She looked down at the floor, but the worried blonde put his hand on her shoulder hesitantly. 

"And you kicked their asses right?" He said softly. 

(Y/n) laughed. "I kicked one of their balls." Tsukishima's brows rose and he smiled. 

"That's the (Y/n) I know."

"H-here's your milk." She handed the boy his drink, the carton crumpled from her gripping it so tight. "And pretend this never happened!"

"Pretend what didn't happen?" 

"M-me crying," (Y/n) dropped her gaze playing with her uniform sleeve. "I don't normally cry, i-its just I was r-really scared. I'm a badass bitch, not a wimp!"

Sympathy washed over Tsukishima's face. "What shitbags. Come with me to practice so I can keep an eye on you. I- I'm sor-sorry." He had difficulty saying the last sentence, Tsukishima wasn't good at communicating his feelings. 

"So the cold Ice Queen actually has a heart," (Y/n) laughed lightly, earning a blush and a frown from Tsukishima. 

"I hate you," he muttered. 


After class the pair walked to the gym, Fuyuko meeting up with them along the way. 

"God, (Y/n) what happened to your wrist?" Fuyuko asked anxiously examining (Y/n)'s red wrist.

"Musty males who thought they had a chance," (Y/n) laughed bitterly. 

Fuyuko's eyes burned a malevolent red and her mouth dropped open. "I swear I'm gonna find the bastards who did this. We've got to report this. Did you know what they looked like?"

"I remember one had spiky black hair and wore chains, another was a blonde with short hair?" (Y/n) tried to recollect her memories. Out of panic, she had looked down mostly, not wanted to make eye contact. 

"Not sure if I know anyone who looks like that," Fuyuko tapped her chin. "Let's ask the team if they know any dirt."

The group reached the gym, Fuyuko grabbing the boys' attention. (Y/n) explained vaguely what happened, and gave the descriptions. 

Immediately Tanaka's eyes widened at the mention of the boy with chains. 

"They're the infamous second years, Sato Kohjin and his gang," Tanaka sighed. "People say Sato's been suspended over two times in the past year. He's also part of some gang." He shuddered and the group exchanged glances. 

"Let's report him," Fuyuko tugged (Y/n)'s sleeve. 

"After practice." Tsukishima cleared his throat. 

He didn't want (Y/n) to slip from his sight and he felt responsible for pressuring the girl to fulfil his selfish desires. Tsukishima was normally calm and collected, but the thought of someone else's hands on her made made his stomach churn. 

This time, the boys practiced diving for the ball and touching up their control over the ball. (Y/n) observed the group thoughtfully. They really make an astounding team, the coordination and trust is established so early in the year already.

Tsukishima would flit his gaze to (Y/n) from time to time but would look away quickly. He wouldn't allow himself to be distracted from his primary focuses. Even so, he noticed Hinata staring at (Y/n) from his peripheral vision and his brows narrowed. He didn't like Hinata, a tryhard who he felt inferior standing next to. 

Hinata was always positive and excited, almost like a puppy, and was a talented middle blocker, a better spiker than Tsukishima could ever dream to be. The orange haired boy was an important asset to the team, The Greatest Decoy, they called him. And Tsukishima? Well he was just a regular blocker. He only had his spot due to his height, yet Hinata could jump higher than himself. 

The blonde was jealous of the small boy. Tsukishima didn't like to admit it, but deep down, he knew it to be true. He was inferior to Hinata in volleyball and romantics apparently. But then,he remembered (Y/n) buried in his chest and his heart fluttered. Maybe she could like me...?Arrgh!  He chastised himself for letting him get distracted.


Volleyball practice ended, the sun just setting, its pink-ish hue tinting the sky. 

Changing back into his normal clothes, Tsukishima emerged from the changing room. There she was, waiting patiently for Tsukishima. But the bright orange pigmentation came into view and Hinata began to converse with (Y/n). Tsukishima watched as Hinata leaned in to hug the girl, her hands squeezing his torso tightly. 

A small pang of jealousy hit his stomach, but he brushed it off. He switched his gaze over to the stairs on the right, not wanting to watch their interaction any further. 

"Stay safe (Y/n)-chan~," Hinata Shoyo called. "Text me when you get home."

"Will do!"

Tsukishima strode to (Y/n) and Fuyuko with his hands jammed into his pockets. "Let's go."

"What's up with him," Fuyuko observed, whispering to (Y/n), but clearly not quiet enough because Tsukishima overheard. "Sounds grumpy."

"He's always grumpy," (Y/n) whispered back and the two giggled.

(Y/n) stepped into the Vice Principal's Room, indistinct voices coming from the interior.

 A few minutes later, she walked out, closing the door behind her and Fuyuko flocked around her immediately. 

"Vice Principal says he'll bring Sato in to talk but there's not much I can do at the moment," (Y/n) sighed. 

"You handled the situation well." Fuyuko wrapped her arm around (Y/n)'s shoulder supportively. "I'm proud of you."

(Y/n) smiled gratefully at Fuyuko, her heart bursting with affection for her old friend. Tsukishima took note of how the sunlight hit (Y/n)'s features perfectly, the pink glow illuminating her eyes and lips. 

Down at the parked bikes, Fuyuko waved goodbye to (Y/n). 

"See you later, let me know when you're home," Tsukishima coughed out. He was still slightly upset with her interaction with Hinata prior.  (Y/n) beamed and nodded. 

"Tsukki," she addressed him with his nickname, possibly a sign of their closer relationship. "I want to thank you for your support. It means a lot." She touched her heart fiddling with her necklace.

"I got you into the mess anyway," he mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, bye." Tsukishima walked away slipping his headphones on. 

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