Ch 14: Reminiscing

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After hauling herself out of bed for another day, (Y/n) plopped down in her chair. As expected and ever -so the perfectionist, Loel was in his seat early. 

"Hey." Loel gives her a bright smile and his earring's glitter in the sunlight. Yeah, he's hot. (Y/n) gritted her teeth.

"Hello," she replied curtly. She would try to converse with him to make it look like he was bothering her when he answered a question. She'd also try to get him to smell her arm or something, anything that looks sus.

"You look stunning." 

If this was Loel's attempt to woo her, it wasn't going to work. 

"And I realize that," she says back. 

Loel smiles, he likes this side of (Y/n). It's different from her reserved demeanor in Junior High. 

"You know my dog misses you," Loel says. "He really enjoyed your company."

(Y/n) was trying awfully hard not to lash out. "I enjoyed his as well."

"You should come over then." Loel faced her, his eyes capturing hers and she couldn't look away. Loel sort of had that effect on people, his eyes were almost hypnotizing. 

"I think I'd rather not." (Y/n) crinkled her nose and escaped from his grasp, looking away. 

"Suit yourself," Loel shrugs. 

He stayed silent for a while and (Y/n) knew she had to get him talking again. "Uh, how's Joy-chan?" She asks.

"What about my sister?" Loel's eyebrows raise. "Joy's great but she really misses you." He frowns. 

"She's so cute, I miss her too," (Y/n) smiles. Even though Loel was a piece of shit, his little sister was an angel. 

"Remember the time when you came over for dinner and she spilt her rice platter because of her excitement," Loel grinned, remembering how it had taken him a few minutes to clean it up. 

"Yeah, and she was begging me not to leave when I had to go," giggled (Y/n). "She's a good kid."

"Yeah...," Loel trails off.

(Y/n) catches herself. She actually was enjoying their conversation. She was actually enjoying  it. She stopped smiling, and gave a frown. 

"You'll get wrinkles if you frown so much," Loel reminds her. "Don't want your pretty face ruined." (Y/n) rolls her eyes.

"I see your ego has inflated even bigger," she snaps. 

"Woah, calm down." Loel raises his hands up. (Y/n) is starting to hate when he does that. "Hey, you remember the charm you gave to Joy?" It was clear that Loel was trying to change the topic back to his sister. (Y/n) glances at her teacher who notices Loel's behavior and how his body is leaning toward's (Y/n).

Perfect! Keep talking Loel.

"Yes?" She responds, trying not to move her mouth while doodling in her work book.

"She's been calling it her lucky charm," Loel laughs. "She's also convinced the charm will lead her back to you."

Joy was really a blessing. (Y/n) made a small mental note to visit her at school possibly. 

"Does she now," (Y/n) kept her tone intrigued. 

"She's really hopeful she'll see you again one day." Loel smiles at the thought of his little sister. 

The two sat in silence, both of them loved Joy so much. Maybe that was the only topic comfortable enough for the two. Finally, the bell rang and a relieved (Y/n) grabbed her bag and headed to Classroom Five. The girl was cornered however, the British girls from earlier had her pinned.

The two girls were surprisingly tall and they leered at (Y/n) who simply stared back. She was intimidated of course, but she wasn't going to let it show.

"Okay, staring contest I guess," (Y/n) shrugged. "Oh by the way, your lashes are coming off."

"We're going to beat you!" One of the British girl's say angrily. 

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Ladies, this is a divine surprise and all, but I have to get to my next class. After school maybe, okay luvs?"

"Bitch!" One of the girl's with brown braids slapped her. Hard. (Y/n) held her hand up to her cheek, surprised the British girl had the nerve to do that. 

"Chile, I'm not trying to get suspended bestie," (Y/n) says casually. The slap was sure to leave a mark. What if her mom saw? She would be in trouble. 

"She's so ugly!" The other British girl cried. "How does Tsukishima like this rat?"

"I know you two pasty fishes aren't talking," a voice says from behind. 

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. Great.

Loel pries the astonished British girls apart and yanks (Y/n) out, grabbing her hand. 

"Holy shit, the transfer kid is fucking hot!" The British with braids says. 

Loel returns her comment with a middle finger as he drags (Y/n) to the bathroom. 

"Wait this is the men's bathroom!" (Y/n) cries, shielding her eyes. 

"What the fuck was that about." Loel presses her back against the bathroom wall. He places his hand above the girl's shoulder. 

"They wanted to fight," (Y/n) says simply. She can't deny this, she was very flustered at the moment in the position Loel had her in. The glare of protectiveness in his eyes was also a turn on, not to mention his cross earring that dangled from his ear alluringly. 

"Shit (Y/n)." Loel lets his hand fall to his side, rubbing his forehead. "You could've gotten hurt."

"I can handle myself fine Loel, I'm not a toddler!" (Y/n) raises her voice, getting angry by the second. "And like you care if I'm hurt!"

"Of course I fucking care!" Loel roared. (Y/n) sure did not see this coming. Was there two sides of the story?

"I...I care about you (Y/n)," Loel says. 

"Yeah? Since when?" (Y/n) snorted. This was getting tedious. She had to get to her next class. She moves to the door swiftly. 

"I'm sorry," Loel says quietly. (Y/n) stops, her back still facing the boy. Then she walks out of the bathroom speed-walking away. 

He's sorry? After all that shit he put me through? What an asshole!

(Y/n) stomped angrily to her next class, the sting from the slap earlier still residing. She spots Tsukishima in front of her class, his eyes darting around worriedly. 

The sight of him makes her feel an immense amount of calmness, her anger fading. Tsukishima looked over at her and he ran to her. 

"Where were you?" He notices her disheveled state, her eyes and cheeks red.  

"Bathroom," she muttered. 

"You look horrible," Tsukishima says, in a more worried tone not jokingly.

"I'm fine, get to your class Brontosaurus," (Y/n) smiles at him.She debates quickly in her head whether to tell Tsukishima or not, the pros and cons playing in her mind. She decides she'll say vaguely what happened. "I'll explain later."

Tsukishima nodded, he wasn't a pushover. "Got it, see you, (Y/n). Stay here when your class is finished, I'll come to your class to walk together."

Tsukishima Kei really was the best. (Y/n)'s heart swelled. "You're so bossy."

"You're stupid."

"Bye Kei."

He leaves, and disappears around the corner. (Y/n) plops in her chair, sighing. She's late again, which means detention. 

Its only two hours into the day and all (Y/n) wants to do is sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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