Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: if.

A loud thud caused a Medical Examiner to turn around and spot an angry black man standing at the metal doors. She exhaled and stated, "Jackson called me after a 75 hour shift, but when he said it was Lionel I had to take the body. You can see him now." Rome's head had been in a tailspin since he got the call after leaving Izzy's beauty bar. He slowly walked over towards the body and seen Lionel laying on the slab lifeless...he grabbed his cold hand and brought it up to his mouth and kissed it.

"Sleep peacefully brother. I promise you on this very day blood will rain down for this one here." He stated in pure anger and emotion. He laid his hand back down and turned to Jackson's first babymomma.

"Jessenia make sure he is shipped to New Jersey. His entire family is there."

"I cant if someone doesn't sign off that this is him"

Rome pulled his phone out and dialed a number. It rung about twice before an old man picked up.

"Don't tell me! Not a week before Thanksgiving. I said only to call me if he dead." Mister Bass stated.

"He is. I need you to swing something with St. Agnes Memorial to have his body shipped back to Jersey. His mom and sister needs to see him, plus all his financial assets too. Ill have my accountant have it transferred to them." Rome stated as Mister Bass replied, "the funeral will be in 48 hours top! Will you make it?"

"I wont miss it." Rome stated before hanging up and he stared at Jessenia and she spoke, "well its handled and please watch out for Jackson. Ive never heard him cry before and the screams that echoed into my ear sent chills down my body."

"I got em. Just make sure you do my boy good, alright?" Rome told her before walking out. He got to his car and dialed up Jackson. Jackson answered within two rings.

"Boss..I already got word. It wasn't the cubans."

"What you mean?" He asked.

"Someone else knew about the gun pickup!"

"One of those empanada eating motherfuckers know something..they must have leaked that to our only other enemies"

"LosCoast? Why would they care if we beef with the cubans?" Jackson asked.

"War takes your eyes off the big picture and when you do that"

"People feel its the time to knock whoever at the top of their play by them"

"Not smart enough. Close the clubhouse down. We have a funeral to fly out too and the holiday weekend. All will be handled trust me." Rome stated as he hung up. He went to banging on the steering wheel screaming in agonizing pain.

Jackson walked into the bar and snapped, "just talked to the boss. We close until the week after Thanksgiving. Everybody out. If you are a true member of Son of Roses Ill send out details regarding Lionel's funeral. GO!" Everyone went to exiting as he saw Gregg wiping down the bar. Jackson walked over and snapped, "you didnt hear me."

Dre spoke behind them, "Jackson.." Jackson turned around and snapped, "What you want probie?"

"I cant make the funeral. I am surprising my family this week and"

"You are a prospect! Your ass ain't invited. When we get back we will have a rose ceremony the morning of Thanksgiving so be clear. OUT!" Jackson snapped as Dre ran off. He turned back to Gregg and Gregg asked, "rose ceremony?"

"We will burn 23 roses in his honor. Now why you still here?" Jackson snapped as his emotions was on a high.

"I wanted to talk to you....he saved my life. That man shot at me and-and now"

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