V.3; Part 9

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V.3; Part 9: Blessings


"You have reached Isaiah's Voicemail. I must be busy with my kids, husband, or beauty bar or all of the above. If you leave a quick message I'll be sure to" Cairo hung up the phone and took a deep breath as he rolled over in the double bed inside the hotel room that Rome put them up in for the weekend. They will be here all weekend while their customized bikes they put in to order earlier this week get finished...then they will do their first official ride from WeHo back to Oakland on Sunday.

Cairo sat up in his t-shirt and boxer briefs and went into the bathroom walking slowly in the carpet not trying to wake Manny up in the other bed. He went into the bathroom as his stomach growl he remember he had not eaten since they got here. He looked at the time on his Apple Watch and it was 1 AM. He threw on some hoochie daddy shorts and caught the elevator down to the lobby. He saw the OPEN sign for Dunkin Doughnuts and just knew he can do a sausage crossisant.

He walked in as his phone buzzed in a message. It was from Michaela.

"I got us a section at TUCKED. Mick is performing too. You two need to talk. He feels you left because his uncle was released...and now with 8Ball dead it's no tension. Come thru!"

Just as he started typing he heard, "Cairo!" He turned around and saw a familiar face.

"Oh My God! Professor Macmillan!" He walked over and he hugged the 40 year old professor as he responded, "So I been emailing you."

"I know I have seen them." Cairo confessed.

"So why not respond. You were one of my most happiest students on day 1 and then I got the drop class message and was confused. You love Art. It was not only a passion but a way of life for you so you told me. So what happened?" He asked crossing his arms as Cairo licked his lips and stated, "Something happened with my family back in Oakland and I needed to be there."

"Yet you are here and I see the potential in you so guess what I didn't approve you dropping the class. So technically you are still my student. Soo here is what we gonna do...you are gonna complete the first assignment and get it to me by Sunday in my Dropbox on campus. If it's not there then I'll approve you dropping the class." Professor Macmillan told him as Cairo argued, "I don't know I-"

"Listen I have a virtual class you can take too from back in Oakland while things smooth out with your family--you just need to know to never give up on passion." He told Cairo as Cairo smiled as he asked, "Okay what was the assignment?"

"Naked Bodies. I need a 3D sketch of a naked body. Make or female. I brought two models into class Wednesday...sadly for you, you have to find one. I'll drive my 25 minutes into campus Sunday to check that Dropbox because I know it would be there. Goodnight, Cairo. Who knew a late night meeting would end up being a way for me to get one of my best students back." He walked off and Cairo smiled and turned around.

About 20 minutes later Cairo walked back into the room and saw the light on and heard the shower running. Manny must be have gotten up. He went over to his bed and texted his dad.

"You up?"

Meanwhile, Izzy read the message and rolled his eyes and took the deepest breath. He slid his phone down on the dresser as he moaned, "that feels so gooddd." He stared down at Gino rubbing his feet and legs with this new moisturizer Setta has made. He loves when he be the first tester of all her products.

"Just txt him back. I saw you ignore his call too." Gino spoke as Izzy sucked his teeth and replied, "He was my first blessing you know. I remember every moment of pregnancy, birth, and every day after like the back of my hand. I spoiled him because growing up I just never thought that would be in the cards for me. Who the hell would want to have a baby with a freak like me?"

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