V.2, Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: A Christmas Miracle.

"Ika you are being expelled for my school. This isnt behavior nor is this standards that we have instilled in you. Your parents are being contacted and you may follow security to the conference room until your parents arrive to take you out of here" the Principal snapped as she rose up with her backpack in hand as she snared at Chase and mumbled, "my brother is going to kick your ass." She walked out and Chase rolled his eyes and the principal stated, "As for you guys detention until end of day"

"Um excuse me? I had nothing to do with this mess. I was escorting my friend to the office." Cairo interjected as the principal shot him a look and stated, "and who school is this again?" Cairo crossed his arms and he stated, "exactly. Now you two may go. Jay, Chase, and Polo stay back." Mick and Cairo walked out of the office and as the door closed the principal spoke again, "you three have been attached at the hip since you stepped on my campus. And now this video mess isnt just gonna go away but like all hot gossip...a bigger story will come along to wash it all down the drain."

"Im praying for a miracle. A Christmas one at that." Polo stated as he looked over at Chase and told him, "and if anything is misconstrued I want you to hear it from me. We aint boys, we aint friends, we aint nothing. Got that?"

"Polo, Im sorry I didnt even"

"Why would you even record that though? For what did you get out of that?" Jay interjected as water swelled in Chase eyes as Chase cried out, "Please you two are my only true friends. I cant lose you guys"

"Its a little too late for that." They both said in unison to him.



"Don't you dare push! We are almost there. One more light and we are pulling in!" I encouraged Setta as she sat in my passenger seat panting her ass off. Her water broke at lunch and my damn heart dropped. Her scream was heard in New York for damn sure. The light turned green and I flew across it and turned into Oakland General Hospital. I pulled up to the emergency room and as I helped her out I heard Raven screaming, "Here! Here! Here!" I turned around and saw him rushing out of the emergency room with a wheelchair. We helped Setta sit down and I gasped, "How the hell you got here so fast?"

"I was here for some testing." He vaguely said as I squinted but with another loud scream we rushed into the emergency room and got to the desk.

"My friend is in labor. Her doctor is Doctor Hume. He is off today but we called on the way. He is 15 minutes away."

"AND I NEED MEDS NOWWW!" Setta yelled as the nurses ran out and grabbed her and flew her down the hall. Raven and I was instructed to follow them. As we walked behind them he asked, "Where is Dre?"

"On the way. Called as we left the restaurant." I told him as we went thru the double doors. One nurse stopped us and stated, "wait here in this waiting room. Labor and Delivery is the next thru these doors. One of you can come in once we get her prepped and into a bed. Who wants to fill out the Paperwork?"

"We will!" Raven and I both said in unison. We sat down in the chairs and waited as I then looked at him and asked, "Getting test ran for what?" Raven stared at me and exhaled. I hit his arm and snapped, "whats up with you?"

"I know Chrome is dead. His daughter keeps calling me and I dont know what exactly to tell her but that I didnt see him in awhile and that he skipped town. You may not be as close to her but I am. I watched her grow up in my company and make a name for herself. It just sucks, ya' know." Raven explained as I grabbed his hand and replied, "When you live that life you make a choice to die by it. And what does that have to do with test being ran...dont skip over that!" He pursed his lips and stated, "didnt want to ruin this amazing moment that Setta is in labor but a few weeks ago I sprained my ankle during practiced and it swelled up. I came to the emergency room and when they did an scan they saw it was actually a tendon tear. They told me come back today to make sure what it was by some deeper test"

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