Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: DRE


"Dre! Dre! Dre!" 12 year-old Dre heard from the pullout couch in the living room of the rather small apartment. He turned his head to see the candle burning on the kitchen counter giving the only light as their lights had been off for a few days. He slid out of the bed not trying to wake his smaller siblings and walked down into his mama room.

"Ouu baby—give mommy her needle off the sink." A dazed and confused Risha said from the edge of the bed. Dre noticed a man laying behind her naked with his rock hard dick on full display. Dre walked into the bathroom and grabbed the needle and brought it back to her. As he came into the room again he saw the man standing up. He snatched the needle from Dre and stated, "is his little ass on the corner yet?"

"My baby wants to be a motorcycle builder." Risha said smiling as the man sucked his teeth and laughed, "A mechanic in Oakland—aint no bikes here! Ya' little ass need to be already getting un the circles of selling. Its no where to go for little black niggas like you in this city....and you are in luck you have a mom to test ya' product on. Why you think I am here?"  He walked over towards Risha and she said, "dont mind him. He said he will take care of us. Isnt that right Mitch?"

"Yeah Ill pay the light bill for damn sure now give me your arm." He told her.

Present Day.

I stood there in shock as I stared down the man that sent my mom into her first overdose. Sent her into a life of even more hardship..and all he did was get her to a hospital and pay the light bill. It may have been 9 years but Ill never forget his face. Suddenly, I heard Jackson's gun go off hitting Mitch instantly. I heard whispers of a Mitch at the clubhouse but never would have expected it to be him. He went off into the woods after being protected by some other nigga as my trigger finger finally worked as Gregg and I walked down on him. Jackson took off into the woods after Mitch.

Police sirens came quicker than expected as I kept on hearing the clicking sound of an empty gun. Just as I looked at Gregg and was about to state, "Are we going after Jackson or leaving?" Jackson had returned telling us to go...but first we helped him get the dead body back into the vehicle. Jackson pulled out a torch flame and burst the glass ending over the body and looked at me and stated, "lighter?" I went into my black jeans pocket and tossed it to him.

"GO!" He spazzed. I ran off back to my bike behind Gregg as I kick started it and looked back-the car was in flames. I sped off in a different direction then my new house. My mind was spinning and I just couldn't believe who the hell I had just seen. His face was burned into my brain for so many years and I had the opportunity to kill him tonight and choked at the shock ness of it all..and what had really pissed me off was someone willing to die for a fuck nigga like that.

I got back to my house with in an hour. I parked into my garage as I pulled my phone out and saw a message from Jackson.

"We dont speak on this! We fucked up tonight." I nodded as I understood Rome was about to be pissed—rule number 1 is NEVER miss your target. I walked into the house and heard water running in the kitchen. I walked inside and saw Setta wiping down the counter.

"Your food in the microwave." She said not even making eye contact with me. I pulled my gun out and sat it on the island and exhaled, "I know I fucked up tonight"

"Yes! Your siblings and I planned this first family dinner and you missed it. Dre I already told you I aint here to play step-mom...but to help you. All this what you doing for them is amazing"

"Setta." I said as she looked up and I confessed, "The motorcycle clubhouse I joined isnt just some mechanic job"

"No shit! I saw your Son of Roses jacket! You think I believed some mechanic shop give starting bonuses. I dont sold drugs all thru out high school, but it had a provide for your siblings upstairs but what good is all that if you arent here to live in it with them." She explained as I walked around and snapped, "it was one dinner! It will be plenty more. This membership is on the line. Im just a prospect right now. I got to jump if any member says to. It will get better..."

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