V.2, Chapter 19

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Chapter 19: If I had to Choose.

Cairo fixed his school tie in the mirror right before the kitchen. He walked into the kitchen after and grabbed a banana as he saw Gino shirtless with only grey sweats on, watching the coffee pour into the Decanter. Cairo smirked and said, "Goodmorning." Gino was startled as he turned around and saw Cairo. He quickly said it back and then Cairo sat down on a stool and stated, "So like you moved in or what? This is like your 5th day in a row."

"I-um will leave if its awkward for you"

"For me? No. I mean I hate hearing you guys all thru the night and I think you two should apologize to my eardrums for having to endure music until I fall asleep but its fine. Do want to know so are yall like a thing now or just boning like rabbits?" Cairo asked as he raised my eyebrows, as Gino grabbed the Decanter and filled up the two mugs on a tray of breakfast foods: Pancakes, Eggs, bacon, fruit, and now the coffee.

"I like to think so. I poured my heart out and he caught it in his hands. This isn't some fun time. I care a lot about your father and you and your sister. He deserves happiness and I hope to be the one to give it to him." Gino explained as Cairo smiled and stated, "And all I will say is he definitely deserve that. And before you head up there grab the whip cream. He likes it on his pancakes"

"Its already up there" Gino said laughing as Cairo said, "Okayy well make sure it doesnt returnnnnnm down here thank youuuuu" Gino hopped and skipped upstairs as Cairo filled up his Tumbler with coffee before heading out.

Gino walked into the room and he saw Izzy getting dressed. Izzy looked back and gasped, "I should have known better than to think Cairo was cooking. I thought you had left. I thought you had to go snd pick up your daughter from day care."

"I am. I just wanted to make you some breakfast before then. Ive been wearing you out and I think you need some of those energies back." Gino said smirking as Izzy walked over laughing. He grabbed a piece of bacon and their lips crashed for 3 seconds.

"I got a special appointment with a client today. They requested me so I have to go in, but after your zoo date with baby girl hit me up?" Izzy asked as Gino replied, "Of course. Also, Cairo definitely knows. You may have been sort of loud these last couple of days." Izzy examined Gino body and grabbed his dick and seductively stated, "its his fault right here and no one else's." Blood started to rush to his dick as Izzy felt it in his hand. He moved the tray over Izzy head and placed it down on his Vanity Mirror. Izzy slowly backed up and fell back on the bed as Gino climbed on top of him. They started making our and Izzy said, "I got 15 minutes we have to make it quick."

Meanwhile, Michaela FaceTimed her Mom. Her mom picked up and stated, "you seem happy for a Monday. Whats going on?"

"Homecoming this week which means I am shopping, shopping, getting dolled up, and more shopping. I was calling because I need a loan" Michaela told Azeria Colby as she burst out laughing and said, "girl you mean a grant..because your ass is not paying me back. What about your father?"

"He has been showering me with stuff since I got home from the hospital—look!" Michaela said flipping the camera and showing the three new cars she has in the driveway.

"That damn Gerome Grand. Okay, ill be sending you 10k by end of day is that enough for my Princess?" She asked as she smiled and stated, "yes it is and I spoke to dad and he said yes to Thanksgiving in Miami with you because you know how he feels about Christmas."

"Good his ass cant cook anyways. Cant wait to see you next month baby. I am walking into a meeting for a new hotel Ill call you back. Love you lotss." Azeria said before hanging up.

Michaela checked her keys in her Chanel bag and realized she had her Benz keys. She went around and gasped as she saw Mauricio dressed in all black leaned against it. She jumped back and snapped, "What the fuck are you doing here? Didnt my dad tell you stay from around me."

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