V.2, Chapter 17

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Chapter 17: A Brand New Oakland.

2 months later

Isaiah walked out the patio doors to the pool deck as he saw the two men paving the deck tiles around it. He exhaled, "Mom they are here. I thought you said they dont work in the sun"

"They sure as fuck did mine in three months. It shouldn't have took that long."

"Well did you offer these fine young men water, lemonade, or something?" I asked her.

"Hell No. You get snacks after your job is done!" His mom said as Isaiah laughed and he replied, "I have to get dressed. See you tonight at 6 sharp. We are doing the zoom call with Adaijah for her birthday!" Isaiah hung up as he walked back in and saw Cairo grabbing his Coffee Tumbler and stated, "6 Sharp. I know. I am just going to buy my homecoming ticket and grab some lunch with Mick. Thats all after school." Cairo hugged his dad and grabbed his car keys from the bowl and headed out of the door.

He hopped into the car and drove off he pulled up June's house and she came running out with Starbucks to-go. She got in the passenger seat and stated, "Thanks, with my mom on bedrest she doesn't wanna risk going into labor. She wants to make the due date next week because its her Mom's birthday."

"My Dad was telling me. How is Uncle Dre handling it?" Cairo asked as he backed out of the parking lot and started driving to school as June laughed, "oh he has raised all of his siblings. I am happy he finally gets to have a child of his own. I told him he will always be my father. He raised me since I was in pampers. Ive never met my real father and as far as I am concerned he is that"

"AND THATS ON PERIODDDDDD! So have you made your mind up about Homecoming?" Cairo asked her as she exhaled and stated, "Yes Ill go with you. I love the theme of the black swan is why I am going to go. I would have thought you would ask Mick as your date"

"Mick told me he is hoping his boyfriend ask him" He said not revealing that Polo is his boyfriend. Mick told him to keep it on hush so that is what he will do. June eyes grew big and she stated, "I didn't know he was dating. We talk all Odd Block Days. Thats cute. He deserves it—OH MY GOD!" Cairo looked over at her as she flipped her phone.

"Queen Bee is returning to school today. Dressed in Louis with the bag to match. Her photo already has 45 thousand likes. She got shot and it skyrocketed get power and fame. I heard Michaela Grand-Colby is going to be on Ellen." She explained as I laughed, "really?"

"It's true. Ellen commented under her post for her to contact her. She survive something horrific. Why dont you speak to her?" June asked as Cairo quickly answered, "her memory isnt back and Rome says to tell her we siblings will throw her off and may hinder her memory"

"OR HELP IT! It may trigger the blocked part of her memory. Its crazy because the brain tend to forget traumatic things to help with pain and hurt. When you told me you two were siblings and I saw you guys together. It was always good vibes. Maybe the hurt is for her father keeping that secret"

"Maybe. I dont know" Cairo said shrugging as he pulled into the school parking lot as they seen everyone holding papers and gossiping and laughing. June exhaled, "What the hell is going on now?" Cairo parked and they stepped out as June called out to Scarlett Jo.

"Whats going on Scar?" June asked as Scarlett Jo walked up to the cousins and laughed, "The nominees for homecoming King&Queen dropped and a prank was playing on Polo Del Rossi. Look" she flipped the paper and they read the list and June snapped, "that has to be a joke and its pretty insensitive and fucked up!" Cairo exhaled, "I need to call Mick."

Mick head came up from between Polo legs and he gasped for air and sat back in Polo passenger seat. He wiped around his mouth with a Starbucks napkin and checked his Apple Watch.

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