Chapter 1, End

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Thank you for clicking on this story! I really apreciate it! Second, this is NOT my best chapter, so just keep on reading :D Third, let's get on with the story!




The hole was trying to suck me in, nearly taking me over the edge to what would be the end. But I refused to lose consciousness, I had so many times already over the last couple of days . The hole was tugging, lurking behind me, begging me to drift off. It seemed so alluring. So tempting. It seemed so easy to lose my focus.

But I had to keep fighting, I had too many reasons to stay. I had so much to take care of, so this couldn't possibly be the end, right? What about my family, my amazing new family? Everyone who loved? All the friends I had made? Those were the only reasons that had kept me sane in those dark days. That had kept my from finishing it all for good. The ones I could trust without having to hesitate. They would pick me up, no matter how hard I would fall. And him. He. He kept me sane. For him, I would not stop fighting.

But as the seconds ticked by, my hope of ever leaving this state I was in, this hell hole, became smaller and smaller. The pain was becoming worse, which already seemed impossible, as if the darkness wanted to show me how painless it would be to just let it all go. My heart was being torn to shreds and the pain was lashing through me with each passing second, making it nearly impossible to breathe and keep my heart beating. I had to concentrate hard to keep my body functioning. But the darkness was winning. Every second, minute and hour seemed to make less sense. The hole didn't seem so bad after all. No! No! NO! Stop it! 

My head was hurting too much to think clearly anymore, my thoughts were a pit full of thoughts that were screaming at eachother to live, to die, to breathe, to love, to let go. Everything was hurting and I didn't know when it would finally be over. Nothing seemed impossible now. I felt myself becoming weaker by the ticking second. I was drifting off. I couldn't take it anymore. It all was over. And with a last breath I let myself go into the hole. What would be for good. 


Chapter 1: End

I slammed the door behind me and walked down the garden path quickly, almost running, looking over my shoulder once. The terror that coursed through my body was making me breathe quickly. I kept running, sides aching with each further step. Even though I knew my Dad most likely hadn't followed me out, I couldn't stop. I nearly hit the concrete because of the ice on the slippery path.

Run. Run. Run. It was the only thing on my mind. I slipped and fell down into the mud this time, staining my trousers with the brown mud. I cried out as the brown mess touched the fresh cut on my knee, digging through my tights.  I tried to get up, looking over my shoulder, as if my dad was behind me, ready to take me back. My knee was open and bleeding freely now, my tights ripped to shreds.

The reminders of the night before were burnt into my memory as I saw the blood. He had hit me and had thrown me down the stairs as a punishment for trying to run. I had tried to escape, but he, even though he was drunk, managed to capture me before I could get out the back door. But worse than the pain that I felt all over my body, was what happened after that. He had raped me brutally. What had I done? Why me? Why did this had to happen to me? He had yelled at me, about how useless I was, his snide comments lashing into my heart with every word. I wanted to cry out but the years had taught me that he liked my silence better. Last night, however, he took it as a sign of resistance and more beatings followed after that. The purplish-grey bruises that trailed up my side, stopping where my shirt would not cover, were the reminder of his wrath.

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