Chapter 19, Picture

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Heeeeelllloooooo faaaaaanssss! I'm back with a new chapter! Who was waiting for it? I bet you all were! Well, there's heaps to come so please read and leave your thoughts on this chapter below in the comment box! HERE IT IS:

Chapter 19, Picture

I was looking at the living room, where the lights were dimmed, and there were pink candles literally everywhere, lighting the room with a soft magical glow. It was enchanting, just like it had walked out of a fairytale, or the world’s best movie set. My eyes nearly bulged out of my head. Alice hadn't really done this in that short time? Edward? I asked him in my mind to know for sure.

"That's our Alice.." He chuckled and put his hand on my shoulder. "Once again, happy 15th birthday, Evenlyn," He spoke softly and gave me a soft push forward. Alice danced down the stairs, her fingertips trailing over ever flat surface they could find as she floated to me in elegant steps. She hugged me tightly and gave me a brilliant smile, showing her pearly white teeth which lit up in the candle light. The candles lit her face, making her angelic features stand out even more, making her one of God's best creations.

"Happy birthday!" She squealed and took my hand as she guided me to the sofa. Her eyes unfocused for a second and she came back to Earth with a happy, knowing smile on her face as if she just found the missing puzzle piece. "Perfect!" She said mostly to herself. The others filled the room, sitting on the couch, smiling at me, even Rosalie. Then Esme came out of the kitchen and stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"And why didn't you tell us it is your birthday?!?" She said, fake anger leaking through her voice. I laughed shortly and jumped up to hug her tightly.

"Sorry, Mom." I whispered for only her to hear. Her facade cracked and her arms folded around my back. I knew exactly to make her putty in my hands.

"Happy birthday, dear," She spoke and put a strand of my hair behind my ear, giving me one of her brightest smiles. She flitted to the kitchen and half a second later she was back with a cake, decorated with more candles. It was beautiful, pink and black. She put it down on the table.

"What is going on here?" Carlisle's voice asked, confusion evident. He was standing in the hallway, putting his medical bag on the floor next to him. He ran his fingers through his golden hair, his eyes betraying his confusion. Emmett's booming laughter echoed through the house and his arm draped over his wife's shoulders. She snuggled into him, looking happy with where she was that moment, smiling at me. Whoa. A big step forward! I stood up and rushed to him, a little nervous that he probably was the last to know. Alice followed me just half a step behind.

"It's kind of.. my birthday.." I said softly, smiling at him. He was stunned for a second.

"Oh.." was his brilliant response. Alice's melodious laugh sounded from behind me.

"I should've told you first..." She giggled and tilted her head slightly to the right.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Carlisle asked, walking towards the others, his arm over my shoulder.

"I didn't think it mattered." I laughed. Carlisle shook his head, smiling and a soft chuckle escaped from his lips.

"Present time!" Alice squealed. Carlisle thought for a second and dashed off. Alice had a vision and that brought a bigger smile to her face, no doubt about whatever Carlisle was doing. She handed me a present wrapped in silver paper, shimmering in the candle light.

"Open up!" Alice said, clapping her hands, nearly jumping up and down. Slowly I took the wrapping paper off the flat present. I threw the paper to the ground, it slowly floated through the air like a feather and hit the ground, making a soft scraping noise. In my hands was a thin book, more like a stack of papers. It was white and in graceful curly letters it said: 'Meadow's Dream'. In smaller letters underneath it read: 'Composed by Edward and Renesmee Cullen,'. I gasped and turned the page. Piano notes graced the pages, the melody already floating in my head as I read the notes.

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