Chapter 20, Dream

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Hey guys! Here I am again with a chapter of your beloved story! So who's looking forward to the match? I AM!! Here it is guys, here and only here on Wattpad!

Chapter 20, Fear

Rosalie and Alice made sure I had the right clothing for the match, God forbid that I wore something against the rules of fashion! Alice tied my long hair into a braid and Rosalie handed me a baseball cap with the letter C on it.

"Absolutely perfect!" Rosalie commented as she put me in front of the mirror in Alice's bathroom. They both were already done and I was last to finish.

"Uhm, Rose?" I asked gently.

"Yeah?" She asked, checking me over once more.

"How do you play baseball?" Alice's tinkling laugh echoed through the bathroom. I blushed a deep red color.

"You'll see it's not hard at all! Just whack the ball and run!" Rosalie commented. I nodded my head and followed them both out of the room. In the garage everyone was wating for us girls.

"Right, Evenlyn will ride with us and the others can run, right?" Carlisle said. We nodded. Emmett pushed me to his monstrous Jeep and strapped me in. He jumped in himself and Carlisle took the passenger seat. 

Emmett started the engine and roaring the Jeep came alive. I shrieked and Emmett laughed a booming laugh. Carlisle turned around to look at me. He smiled at my face, I guess. Emmett made the Jeep spurt forward and off we were. It was a good thing that I was strapped into a seatbelt, otherwise with Emmett's insane driving my head would've hit the ceiling about 40 times. He made the Jeep jump, and laughed at my shrieks of despair. Finally it was over and with a skidding stop we were there. I felt nauseous. Emmett got out in a flash and was helping me to get out of the seat in less than a second. As soon as he had lifted me out of the Jeep I nearly fell over. Carlisle caught me and steadied me.

"Emmett! What have you done to the poor girl?!?" Esme's voice sounded from behind. In a daze I turned around. I heard Carlisle's soft chuckles from beside me. Esme had an aluminum baseball bat in her hand and looked as if she was going to hit Emmett with it, who just laughed so hard it nearly hurt my ears.

"I've done nothing! We just took the wild tour through the forest." Emmett still was chuckling. Esme shook her head and put her arm around my shoulders. I was already feeling less sick than before.

"Come on," Esme said softly and started tugging me towards the clearing. Edward already had a white little ball in his hand. He chucked it to Alice, who was standing on what looked like a pitching place. They were at least 80 feet apart! Jasper was leaning casually on a bat, talking to Nessie, who was mirroring my nervous expression. We reached where Bella was standing, just in front of Jazz.

"Ok, let's make some teams!" Jasper called and everyone headed towards him.

"Right, Jasper and I will both choose our teams, ok?" Carlisle said. We nodded.

"Let's do this!" Emmett said, jumping up in the air with his fist above his head. Jasper rolled his eyes.

"Ok, Emmett." Jasper said and Emmett went to stand behind him. We looked at Carlisle.

"Edward," He said. Edward grinned and high fived Carlisle.

"Ok, Bella's on my team!" Jasper said. Edward hissed and in a flash he had Bella in his arms.

"No, she's not," Edward growled.

"Edward, relax!" Alice chimed in. "She's always on your side! Now she's on Jazz's side for once, deal with it!" Sighing, Edward let Bella walk over to Jasper and Emmett, who were both cracking up at their brother's reaction.

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