Chapter 7, Mistake

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Hey guys! I had only short time so this one is short,real short. Hope you still like me after it.

Chapter 7,Mistake

I woke up because something was moving underneath me. Slowly I opened my eyes en blinked against the light. Where was I?

“What shall we do with her?” a low voice asked.

“We'll see” another voice said. What? Where was i? Clearly not in the hospital.

“Look, she woke up!” one of the two said. They laughed. I blinked. I found out that I was in the back of a van and was being shuffled back and forth. How did I get here?

“We'll take her to the warehouse.” one said. Which warehouse?

“Why to the warehouse?” the other one asked.

“Just to have some fun, right!” the first man said. They passed a bottle. They must be drunk.

“I think that we have to move on after this one. Otherwise we will get a lot of attention. We don't want that.” one said.

“What could we try on her, Sean?” the other one asked.

“Hmm... I don't know, but it will be fun!” Sean grinned. The van slowed down. How the hell did I get here? I couldn't look outside. I looked back at the front of the van. They both were very pretty. Maybe they were family of the Cullens. The man on the front chair looked back at me. I looked straight into his blood-red eyes. I crawled backwards. It wasn't far, but I didn't like being close to him either.

“This really will be fun, Willy!” Sean said.

“Just stop calling me like that! My name isn't Willy it's Bart! Just stop it!” Willy/Bart yelled at him.

“Hey man, take it easy!” Sean said.

“No, I am not taking it easy! I am done with you!” Bart yelled and the he pulled Sean's head off. I screamed. I really couldn't see blood without fainting. But there wasn't any blood. Sean's body was like stone. But it was missing a head. I screamed again when I came to the conclusion that there was nobody behind the steering wheel. In a second my back hit the floor of the van and Bart was sitting on top of me. I wondered how he could get here so quick.

“What's your name, darling?” he asked me.

“Evenlyn!” I screamed. He came closer and closer to my face. His fingers scraped over my face. They were as cold as ice. His fingers stroked my face. Suddenly he was in the front seat and hit the gas.

“This will be fun!” he yelled. Soon I saw where he was heading. I yelled and screamed. I didn't want this. Not yet. Because he was drive towards a concrete warehouse. O great, I was in a van with a suicide bomber. He laughed hard. But just before we hit the wall he jumped out the window. And then we hit the wall.

I screamed. It hurt. It hurt real bad. I think I was actually in the wall. I was in a lot of twisted iron. I screamed of pain. I hoped I died now. That I didn't have to stay in this pain. It was like losing Meadow again. I yelled again. I felt the weight of the van press against my back. It hurt. So terribly bad. I tried to move. It didn't work. I wanted to die right now. I felt warm blood wet my clothes. I thought about my mum. How she died in coma after being hit by a car. Did she long for death like I did now? No, of course not. She had me to care for. She couldn't go. I could. No one would miss me. My dad wouldn't miss me. And I just met Brynn. Meadow was dead. No, nobody would miss me. I hoped that I would quickly be on the place where my mom and Meadow were. Where ever that would be. We would be together soon. Forever. Where ever. I felt myself lose my mind and hoped for a quick death. Hopefully this was over soon. I felt myself slip into a black hole. It was nearly over. Nearly with my mom. Close to Meadow. So close. I closed my eyes and let the darkness surround me.

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