Chapter 6, Silence

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Hi! im back with a new chapter! this one is for dogpower77 for all the love and support! Right,vote fan comment,you know the drill right? 

Have fun!

Chapter 6, silence

When I woke up, I knew it. I felt empty and hollow. They killed my Meadow. They had killed my baby girl. I looked around. I was in a white bed, dressed in hospital clothes. Shit! Of course they had seen my bruises! I did a quick check. My stomach was now without the familiar bump and fresh purple bruises all over my body. It could have been worse... The bruises on my arms were already fading. I sighed, this had been a bad idea. Tears streaming down my face. My baby. Gone. She had never seen me, and I never would see her. The pain inside of me was unbearable. I would kill the one who killed my Meadow. I had too. Then reality hit me. I knew who the one was. Dr. Cullen. The one who had knocked me out. But I couldn't kill him. He had a family to take care of. I wouldn't hurt the Cullen kids, even though I barely knew them. Because I know how hard it is to grow up without one of your parents. The arms that used to hug you and hold you tight wouldn't be there anymore. All memories gone... After that, I wondered where my dad was, I couldn't see him without hitting or yelling at him. As on cue, he walked in, an evil smile on his face.

"How are you feeling, darling?" his voice bittersweet. I couldn't control myself any longer.

"You killed her! You were the one who did this to me!" I cried, the pain was driving me insane, it was killing me knowing that she wasn't here with me.

"I didn't do anything!" he said through his teeth. "You are such a bitch, Evenlyn! Such a mistake! The lowest creature on this planet!" With every accusation he ripped my already broken heart into smaller pieces, shredding it.

"You son of a bitch!" I snapped. He lunged at me. His hands closing around my throat. I couldn't breathe. I was turning purple. I tried to get him off me, but I wasn't strong enough. I was losing my sight. The last thing I did was slam the big red button next to my bed. And the world turned black.

I woke up and immediately knew where I was, the hospital. With that more memories entered my brain. More memories filled with pain and loss. I whimpered. I saw another person in my room. He had his head in his hands and he was on the chair next to my bed. He probably didn't notice me yet. Then I actually saw who it was. Dr. Cullen. I felt like hitting him, slapping him, but I couldn't. He looked so broken, so helpless. I actually felt the need to comfort him. He looked up, his golden eyes met mine. His eyes filled with pain. I had to help him. I gathered all my courage.

"You did what you had to do..." I whispered.

"But if it was the right thing to do, then why do I feel so terrible? I don't know what to do.." He whispered, barely audible.

"You saved my life! That's what matters." I said, finding my voice.

"By killing your baby." His voice was hard and cynical.

"You saved my life by getting me away from him." I said. "I never wanted to be pregnant with my dads child, I want to be pregnant with someone who loves me, the real me. If love even exists...".

"While surgery, I saw your bruises again, will you please tell me what happened?"

"You really want to know?" now was my voice cynical. He nodded. I decided to tell him all of it. I started with my mother’s death, how I moved to Alaska, how my dad hit me, what his friends did to me, how I found out I was pregnant, how I ran away, how I stayed in the woods and finally the hospital. He sat there and listened, he didn't even interrupt once. After a very long time I finally finished.

"So, now you know it all..." My voice now soft. I glanced at the clock, which said it was 7 pm. It was getting late.

"Is this the truth? Did this all happen?" he whispered. I nodded briefly.

"May I ask a question?"

I smiled. "Shoot."

"Why aren't you afraid of me? The first time I saw you, you were scared to death, but know, you are here alone with me..." Ah, so he did notice.

"Faith and hope.. I am still afraid of men, I don't think that will ever change, but well, how do you say this? When I saw your face when my dad was going crazy, I felt hope. I knew you were able to save me." I tried to sit up but fell down again. "Stupid bruises.." I muttered.

"Can I check on you? That is actually why I was here."

"Of course, but, please don’t tell anyone. About how I look. I'm all purple.." He nodded. He gently pulled up my hospital shirt. I just looked straight ahead, trying not to think of what Dr. Cullen was doing. I took deep breaths. I heard him gasp. So they were bad again. His ice cold hands, which felt nice on my feverish body were examining me. After for what felt like eons, he finally stepped back.

"Whoever did this is a monster" he said through gritted teeth.

"Dr. Cullen, it is not your fault. It already happened. We can't turn it back."

"Please call me Carlisle." I nodded. I heard footsteps on the corridor. Then Esme's head peeked through the door.

"Carlisle!" her voice filled with love and joy. "Evenlyn? Is that you?" She looked between me and Carlisle. I nodded shyly.

"The kids were getting worried so I said I would go check on you"

I spoke. "I'm sorry, I kept him busy..." I apologized. Carlisle walked over to Esme and tenderly wrapped his arms around her waist. Then he kissed her gently on her lips. Oh, how wonderful would it be to be truly loved...

"So, what happened, Evenlyn?” she asked.

"Esme, dear, I'll tell you on the corridor, one moment, Evenlyn." Carlisle said and they walked out of the room. They talked on a hushed tone. The only thing I heard was Esme's voice going up an octave screeching "What!!". They came back in, Esme sat on the edge of my bed.

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry.." I smiled.

"Thank you, but I have one question, where do I go after this?" I shivered at the thought of living with my dad.

"I have no clue.." Carlisle said honest.

"Carlisle! How can you be so heartless!" Esme scolded. I yawned. "Go to sleep now, Carlisle will be here in the morning and we will sort this out together, okay, sweetie?" She stroked the hair out of my face and stood up. Carlisle pressed a button on a machine and took Esme's hand, together they walked out. I listened to their fading footsteps. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

In the middle of the night I felt like I was flying. I chuckled at that weird thought. Probably the meds, after that I fell asleep again.

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