Epilogue: Please

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Epilogue: Please


It was the only thing that was echoing through my head. I hadn't finished Edward's letter, or Carlisle's, or the ones for Ness, Rosalie, Bella and Jasper! No!

"Please." I begged and grabbed my pen as some sort of weapon. "Please, just.. let me finish.." They hadn't spoken a word yet, just staring at me. The boy moved. He had auburn, no more chocolate colored hair and blood red eyes. He was gorgeous. Vampire. I hadn't ever seen him before. Hadn't ever met him, but I knew what to look for. He wasn't human. Not at all. The Cullens had traces of humans, but they were killing machines. The look in their eyes just told me not to mess with them. "Please.." I whispered.

"No." The blond sneered. My vision was shaking. I wondered why? Oh. I was shaking. I tried to calm my body but it didn't work.

"Jane, go check on the Cullens, they're around somewhere." The boy said, though his eyes did not leave my face. I sighed. He'd probably kill me now. That would be it. The end. Would they have mercy for my family? They promised! The girl disappeared into thin air and the boy took a step closer. If it was meant to scare me, it didn't work. I was already frozen. I was already terrified, so there was no way he could scare me more than I already was. "Hurry, you have precisely 1 minute and 43 seconds before Jane comes back and rips you to shreds." He growled. I hastily grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled my final note to my family, because there was no more time to write them all a letter:

Dear family,

I am so sorry for leaving you now. I have no choice, they have given me no choice. Leaving you is so hard, so incredibly painful. Please understand that I never wanted this in any way at all. I hope you won't hate me for doing this to you. I pray that the day we will be reunited will come soon.

I love you all so much and carry you in my heart now and forever. I hope to be back soon, that they will decide to let me go back to you, no matter how long it will take.

But for now I'll have to adjust.

With all my love,


Hastily I dropped the pen and shoved the letter in an envelope. I ran out of my room, leaving everyone's letter on their beds and put the remaining letters on the living room table. I sprinted back up, just in time. The boy was speaking to the girl in a long chain of words that went too fast for me to hear. It hit me that I hadn't finished all my letters. That some didn't have a goodbye from me. But I couldn't write them now. The pain that lashed across my heart was nearly unbearable. I heard voices. The boy and girl heard them too.

"I told you so! Hurry!" Jane sneered. And as Alec's eyes met mine I was swept into a dark hole. I couldn't feel, couldn't see, couldn't hear, couldn't move. There was only one relief. The pain was gone. The darkness was frightening and comforting at the same time. It was scary because I had no idea what exactly was happening to me, but nice because it was the perfect remedy against the pain that I felt. I felt nothing at all. I was numb. How long did I have to endure the darkness? How long before I could see something again? How long before I'd hear someone speaking to me? When would it be over? What was going on? Where would I be? When would the constant pain return to my body? 

I stayed in the darkness for a time I couldn't count or keep track with. It wasn't particularly agonizing, or painful. Just numb. Numb more than anything. The only thing I could register were my thoughts. I wasn't sure at a certain point if I'd ever wake up from this slumber. But then I did wake up.

The first thing I noticed was that it was cold. And that I was on the floor. Of a place I did not recognize. It was a marble place. It was mind-blowingly beautiful and mesmerizing. There was light streaming in from a window, high above. I thought I was alone, but that hope flew as soon as slow footsteps echoed in my ears. My head hurt. Another thing to add to the list of things I noticed. I was on the floor, on my knees, slumped to the ground with my head on the cold marble. I raised and a burning pain shot up my neck. My body was sore and stiff. The first thing I acknowledged were the twins, who were standing in the corner of the hall. 

"Rise." A voice spoke, not unfriendly but certainly not kind. More a flat tone. I slowly got up from the ground, and soft whooshing of fabric was heard. "Calm, my dears, this human will not hurt us." The amusement in his voice was surprisingly friendly. At least more than I had expected from a vampire that just threatened to kill my family if I didn't come to him in Italy. "Tell me your name, dear." He spoke. I looked up at him. It was nearly impossible to not look at his eyes, or was it his jet black hair that caught my attention. No. It were the eyes. They weren't kind and caring and loving like I was used to, but cold and hard. And red. I was so used to the beautiful gold of their eyes that it seemed unimaginable to look into those constant reminders of what they were. Vampires. And not the friendly type. The hunting type. The one that would follow you into the dark alley and crush your windpipe and snap it like a twig before sucking the life out of you. Only a second had passed while my constant train of never-ending thoughts went on.

"Evenlyn." I spoke, softly, barely audible.

"Evenlyn, welcome to Volterra." 

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