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So I don't want to be that person who starts her story off with an A/N. But there are those people who don't understand some of the short forms I will be using. I know one ends up reading this then, well, that's kinda sad. But please enjoy this fanfic/imagine about the one and only Thomas Brodie-Sangster. I also have another book I am filling with Newt imagines called, umm, newt imagines. Please go check that out if you don't mind.

On another quick note, I am a student who has homework and a ton of extra activities on the side but I will still try to upload as often as I can. Thank you for reading this if you're not already bored out of your mind. And enjoy!

Y/N- Your name

Y/N/N- your nickname

Y/H/C- your hair colour

Y/E/C- your eye colour

Y/BFF/N-your best friends name

I might include more short forms but I will write what they mean just in case you don't know. Anyway, enjoy this book about Thomas Brodie Sangster.

P.s. all author's notes (A/N) will be in italics.

Please Enjoy!

A Life Unplanned ( a Thomas Brodie-Sangster Fanfic imagine)Where stories live. Discover now