Chapter 9

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You both had an even amount of talking as you walked back to your apartment, it was about midday now. Again, your hands brushed against each other's ever so often. You eventually got to the outside of your apartment building.

"Want to come in?" you ask, hoping the answer was yes. You no longer saw him as a movie star, now he was just Thomas.

You both walked up the stairs to your tiny apartment to see Rikki, he had food in his bowl, you assumed that Elly had dropped by to feed him while you were at the hospital. He jumped on Thomas wagging his tail happily.

"Sorry about him" You pulled Rikki off of Thomas's chest

"That's ok, I have a dog as well, he's very clingy, just like yours. What's his name?"

"Rikki," you answer. Rikki was now off of Thomas but still wagging his tail happily. Thomas began petting your border collie." He doesn't normally like people very much, I'm surprised he's already warmed up to you." you bend down and join Thomas in petting Rikki.

"Yeah me too, I'm glad he's not biting my face off" You lightly laughed at his comment.

"Hey, I know we just kinda went for a walk, but do you want to take Rikki out with me?" You looked at Thomas

"Sure, I'd love to, mind if we stop at my place on the way to get mine?" He asks

"Of course!" you say grabbing Rikki's leash from the back of the door. You attached the leash to the back of Rikki's collar and walked out the door.

The distance between Thomas and your houses was surprisingly short. His house was small but cozy. Windows were surrounding most of the building and it had 2 floors. You were greeted by Thomas's dog.

"Hey boy!" Thomas said, bending down to pet his dog.

"What's his name?" You pet his adorable beagle.

"Spencer," he answered. Rikki and Spencer were now doing that weird dog thing where they sniff each other's butts uncontrollably. It was hilarious to watch. "Let me just grab his leash and we'll be off, ok love?"

"Sounds good to me" You reply cheerfully. Spencer licked your face playfully and you were laughing a lot. Now Rikki had joined in the fun.

"Hey, you supposed to be on my side" You giggled

Thomas's POV

I went upstairs to grab Spencer's leash. I could hear Y/N laughing, I was beginning to get feelings for Y/N.

I came downstairs to find Y/N being trampled by Spencer and Rikki. She was so cute lying on the floor with a beagle and a border collie on top of her. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit to myself. I pulled Spencer off of Y/N and she stood up with a beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Shall we?" I said opening the door for her to walk out.

"We shall" She replied.

We went to a local dog park that Y/N had been to many times with Rikki. We let the two dogs walk freely while we sat on the grass.

"So, when did you get Spencer?" she asked

"About 2 years ago, when I moved back to London. When did you get Rikki?"

"A year ago I think. But it feels longer" she was smiling as Rikki came back with a tennis ball in her mouth. Y/N threw it and Rikki chased alongside Spencer.

"Would you like to get dinner tomorrow night?" I asked. I wanted to see her more, get to know her. It was like I needed to be with her. But I wouldn't want her to think I was too desperate or anything like that.

"Yeah, I'd love to!" Thank bloody god she said yes. "Where do you want to go?"

"That's a surprise for me to know, and you to find out." I had no idea where I was going to take her, everywhere I had previously thought of was either too fancy or too casual.

"Well, I think we should get back, it's getting kind of dark," I said, I didn't want to go, hell, I could've stayed there all night with Y/N if I wanted to.

"Yeah, uh, right" she sounded disappointed, but she stood up and wiped the grass off of her trousers. We called the dogs back and walked them back to my house."Thanks for today, I had a lot of fun" She said

"Yeah me too. See you tomorrow at, 6?" I asked

"Yep, see you then," she said a smile spread across her face. Unexpectedly she gave me a light kiss on the cheek and we both uncontrollably started blushing a deep crimson colour. She gave me one last smile and walked away with Rikki. I couldn't stop blushing and smiling to myself as I plopped on the couch and lay there thinking of Y/N and our date tomorrow.

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